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  • [书面语]
    (磨刀石) whetstone
    (磨制) grind; polish; whet


  • From ashes to dust , i just wanna get along with you
  • Well she never asks for very much and i don t refuse her
  • As i wait in my silent misery all i m asking is please . . . forgive me
  • Shots rang off , bing , boggle - de - dum that splash against my hollow bones
  • I ve been dead , been back right in the dirty with the bury in a throw away hatch back
  • It drops a hint of complacency . it can also express that someone is fed up with or angry about something , or it is simply an unmindful manner
    暗示出一种自满的心理状态,同时也?狙岱澈推?撸?虮硎疽恢致?痪?牡奶? ?
  • It is not easy for people who lives overseas to find a computer with chinese software whenever they needed . please be aware of this fact and bear with us
    居住中国以外的人或鬼不可能随时找得到付有中文软件的电脑?褂? ,请多加包涵。
  • I would like to join the chief executive in expressing my profound sadness over the death of senior immigration officer , mr leung kam - kwong , who died this evening after sustaining injuries during performance of duties in the arson attack on the immigration department
    在执行职务期间于入境事务大楼纵火案中受伤的高级入境事务主任梁骞庠诮裉彀?攀溃?液托姓? l官同样感到非常悲痛。
  • Galileo , however who lived more than 300 years later ( 1564 to 1642 ) , was the greatest of several great men , who in italy , france , germany or england , began by degrees to show how many important truths could be discovered by well - directed observation
    然而,生活在三百多年之后的伽利略( 1564 - 1642 ) ,却是几个伟大人物中最伟大的一个,这些人在意大利、法国、德国和英国开始逐步谷嗣强吹叫矶嘀匾?恼胬强梢酝?莆盏玫钡墓鄄烊值摹


  • 硎的泰文
  • 硎的法语:meule queux
  • 硎的日语:硎xíng 〈書〉 (1)砥石[といし]. (2)研ぐ.
  • 硎的韩语:【문어】 (1)[명사] 숫돌. 新硎初试; 【성어】 방금 숫돌에 간 칼을 처음으로 사용하다; 처음으로 예봉을 나타내다; 재능이나 능력을 처음으로 드러내다 =[【구어】 磨mó刀石] (2)[동사] 갈아서 만들다.
  • 硎的俄语:pinyin:xíng точильный камень, оселок геогр. (сокр. вм. 硎谷) Сингу (название ущелья в горах Ли-шань, прав. Шэньси)
  • 硎的印尼文:batu asahan;
  • 硎什么意思:xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ 1)磨刀石:“刀刃若新发于~”。 新发於硎 新发于硎 新硎初试 发硎
硎的英文翻译,硎英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译硎,硎的英文意思,硎的英文硎 meaning in English硎的英文硎怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。