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  • meriel


  • John and jeremy ryan . they ' re brothers from new hampshire
  • Wollstonecraft , mary . a vindication of the rights of woman . edited by miriam brody . new york : penguin , 1992
    玛丽?沃尔斯通克拉夫特, 《女权辩护》 。米瑞恩?布罗迪编辑。纽约:企鹅出版社, 1992版。
  • With a little judicious searching , amyris thinks it has come up with isoprenoids that have the right characteristics to substitute for petrol
  • For example , one of the women we interviewed , rabbi miriam kane , developed a sense of spiritualism from travels with her family - she observed her father ' s awe and admiration of nature and mount rushmore
    例如,我们调查的一位女性,拉比?米瑞埃姆通过家庭旅行产生了一种神圣的信仰- -她看出父亲对大自然和拉什莫尔山怀有的敬畏和崇拜之情。
  • The events official opening ceremony was attended by the swiss foreign minister , mrs . micheline calmy - rey , whose opening speech was incredibly moving . mrs . calmy - rey said that material gain was far less important than finding ways to bring peace to the world , and that geneva had an important role to play in this effort as host to international peace talks
    开幕典礼由瑞士外交部长蜜雪林卡米瑞女士micheline calmy - rey致词,她的致词内容触动人心,她说道:寻求带给世界和平的方法,远比物质的成就更为重要,而日内瓦一向在国际和平会谈中扮演主办单位的重要角色。
  • On september 1 , 2003 , a fascinating article appeared in the los angeles times entitled a change of heart about animals by jeremy rifkin , who cites numerous examples of recent scientific experiments to discover whether animals have so - called human qualities such as emotions and the ability to learn
米瑞的英文翻译,米瑞英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译米瑞,米瑞的英文意思,米瑞的英文米瑞 meaning in English米瑞的英文米瑞怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。