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  • having great learning
  • "精神"英文翻译    vigour; vitality; drive
  • "满腹"英文翻译    be full of; have one's mind ...
  • "精神满足" 英文翻译 :    spiritual fulfilment
  • "精神满足之重要性" 英文翻译 :    the importance of spiritual fulfillment
  • "满腹" 英文翻译 :    be full of; have one's mind filled with
  • "满腹的" 英文翻译 :    a bellyful of
  • "对……牢骚满腹" 英文翻译 :    beef about…
  • "腹满腹胀" 英文翻译 :    epigastric suppression
  • "腹满腹胀,痞胀" 英文翻译 :    abdominal fullness and distention
  • "牢骚满腹" 英文翻译 :    have [bear] a perpetual grudge against ...; be full of complaints [grievances]: 他看来是牢骚满腹, 你最好找他谈谈。 he looks like he's got an axe to grind. better have a talk with him
  • "满腹狐疑" 英文翻译 :    have all sorts of doubts and conjectures in one's mind; extremely suspicious; filled with suspicion 他对所有邻居都满腹狐疑。 he is extremely suspicious of all his neighbours
  • "满腹狐疑的" 英文翻译 :    stared
  • "满腹经纶" 英文翻译 :    one's mind [brain] is full of learning [knowledge].; an encyclopedic mind; full of learning; profoundly learned (and clever); full of statesmanship [statecraft]; be possessed of learning and ability; full of ideas for state policy [programs]
  • "满腹牢骚" 英文翻译 :    be full of complaints [discontent; gripes; grumblings];be full of grievances [resentment];brassed off; have a bellyful of complaints; have a grudge against everything; querulous
  • "满腹凝团" 英文翻译 :    filled with suspicion; very suspicious; puzzled
  • "满腹文章" 英文翻译 :    full of learning; profoundly learned
  • "满腹疑团" 英文翻译 :    be full of doubts and suspicions
  • "满腹忧愁" 英文翻译 :    full of sorrow; one's heart is filled with sorrow and anxiety
  • "满腹怨气" 英文翻译 :    full of grievances on account of wrongs; a chestful of hate
  • "满腹珠玑" 英文翻译 :    one's mind is full of valuable ideas -- extensive knowledge.; (full of) sparkling ideas in writing; with a belly full of pearls
  • "一肚皮, 满腹" 英文翻译 :    a full gorge
  • "牢骚满腹的人" 英文翻译 :    a person full of grumbles; sourpuss
  • "倾吐满腹苦水" 英文翻译 :    unburden oneself of one's all grievances
  • "精神" 英文翻译 :    精神1.(指人的意识, 思维活动和一般心理状态) spirit; mind; consciousness 国际主义精神 the spirit of internationalism; 给予精神上的支持 give moral support; 精神上的负担 have on one's mind; be troubled by; 提高精神境界 acquire a broader mental outlook; 作好精神准备 be mentally prepared; 党员和人民的精神状态很好。 all party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour.2.(宗旨; 主要意义) essence; gist; spirit; substance 传达文件的精神 pass on the gist of a document; 领会社论的精神 try to understand the thrust of an editorial; 精神保健 mental hygiene; 精神崩溃 psychorrhexis; 精神变态 psychopathia; psychopathosis; psychopathy; 精神薄弱 oligergasia; noasthenia; 精神财富 cultural and ethical wealth; spiritual values; spirit wealth; 精神产品 intellectual products; 精神动力 intellectual impetus; 精神发泄 [心理学] abreaction; catharsis; psychocatharsis; 精神分裂症 [心理学] dementia praecox; schizophrenia; schizophrenosis; 精神分裂症患者 schizophreniac; schizophrenic; 精神分析 psychoanalysis; 精神分析法 narcosynthesis; 精神分析疗法 psychoanalytic therapy; 精神分析学 depth psychology; 精神鼓励 moral encouragement; 精神贵族 intellectual aristocrats; 精神涣散 rhembasmus; 精神活动 cerebration; mentation; ergasia; 精神活泼 be full of animal spirits; in buoyant spirits; 精神寄托 spiritual ballast; 精神枷锁 spiritual [mental] shackle; 精神奖励 moral encouragement [reward]; 精神紧紧张 mental tension; psychentonia; 精神劳动 mental labor; 精神疗法 psychotherapy; psychotherapeutics; 精神满腹 full of ideas for state policy [programs]; having great learning; 精神赔偿 mental compensation [satisfaction]; 精神神经病 psychoneurosis; 精神生产 mental production; spiritual production; intellectual production; cultural life; 精神生产者 producer of intellectual values; 精神生活 spiritual [cultural] life; 精神生物学 biopsychology; psychobiology; 精神胜利 spiritual victory; 精神失常 psychopathy; 精神衰弱 athopia; psychasthenia; 精神食粮 nourishment for the mind; mental nourishment; food of the spirit; 精神世界 inner [mental] world; 精神外科学 psychosurgery; 精神万能论 theory of the “omnipotence of the spirit”; 精神危机 intellectual crisis; ideological crisis; 精神污染 ideological contamination; spiritual [moral] pollution; cultural [spiritual] contamination; 精神障碍 dysphrenia; alloeosis; alleosis; 精神正常 eunoia; 精神支柱 spiritual [ideological] prop; moral support [pillars]; 精神准备 ideological preparation; 精神作用 mentation
  • "神满有恩典 希伯来文名字" 英文翻译 :    ivana; jane; joanne


  • 精神满腹什么意思:jīng shén mǎn fù 【解释】形容富有才智,满腹经纶。 【出处】《晋书·温峤传》:“深结钱凤,为之声誉;每曰:‘钱世仪精神满腹。’峤素有知人之称,凤闻而悦之。” 【示例】博通书传,尤精《左氏》及地理学。为人有干局,心所到则绝人远甚。故时人称其~。(《金史·李献甫传》) 【拼音码】jsmf 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;形容富有才智
精神满腹的英文翻译,精神满腹英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译精神满腹,精神满腹的英文意思,精神滿腹的英文精神满腹 meaning in English精神滿腹的英文精神满腹怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。