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音标:[ jiélí ]  发音:  


  • be married


  • Study on the marriage of lu you and his wife , wang
  • As god made them he matched them
  • He divorced his wife of33 years and married leona in1972 after she promised to lose20 pounds
    哈里与结缡33年的发妻离异, 1972年当利昂娜应许减肥20磅后和她结婚。
  • You feel that you are part of it . so that s why when you divorce a long - time wife or husband , you will feel miserable . and if you have to begin anew with another person , it takes another ten years , at least
  • Beginning in1970 , she spent more time sweeping harry off his feet than she did in her real estate career . he divorced his wife of33 years and married leona in1972 after she promised to lose20 pounds
    从1970年开始,她用在博得哈里欢心上的工夫超过经营房地产。哈里与结缡33年的发妻离异, 1972年当利昂娜应许减肥20磅后和她结婚。
  • It highlights as well how in most cases such a form of social agency is later thwarted by the patrilineal rule of marital house hold as well as the strict immigration regulation concerning their citizen ' s rights


  • 结缡的泰文
  • 结缡的法语:épouser marier marrier se marier avec unir se marier
  • 结缡的日语:jie2li2 (女性が)结婚する.嫁ぐ
  • 结缡的韩语:[동사]【문어】 결혼하다. →[缡]
  • 结缡的俄语:pinyin:jiélí повязать пояс (невесте; в знач.: выдать замуж)
  • 结缡的阿拉伯语:تزوج;
  • 结缡的印尼文:menikah;
  • 结缡什么意思:亦作“结缡”。    1.  古代嫁女的一种仪式。 女子临嫁, 母为之系结佩巾, 以示至男家后奉事舅姑, 操持家务。    ▶ 《诗‧豳风‧东山》: “亲结其缡, 九十其仪。”    ▶ 毛 传: “母戒女, 施衿结帨。”    ▶ 《后汉书‧马援传》: “施衿结缡, 申父母之戒, 欲使汝曹...
结缡的英文翻译,结缡英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译结缡,结缡的英文意思,結縭的英文结缡 meaning in English結縭的英文结缡怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。