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  • pulsed ionizing beam


  • A miniature intense pulsed ion beam accelerator
  • Experimental study on the generation of intense pulsed ion beams
  • Simulation of energy absorbed by target with intense pulsed ion beam model
  • Research and progress on metal materials surface strengthening in china by high intensity pulsed ion beams
  • The research on the radiation effects of materials induced by high - energy proton irradiation is of important significance in many scientific fields , such as the single event effects of semiconductor components exposed on space , accelerator - driven nuclear energy generator , tritium production by accelerator , intense pulsed ion beam technology , proton radiography , etc . the effects and mechanisms of irradiation vary vastly for different energies and intensities of proton beams
    宇宙高能质子的单粒子效应( see )研究、洁静核能系统( ads )研究、加速器产氚计划( apt ) 、强脉冲离子束( ipib )技术、质子断层扫描等领域都涉及质子辐射效应问题。质子辐射对不同的材料会导致不同的效应,开展质子辐射效应产生的机制研究,掌握其效应规律,对于电子学元器件的抗辐射加固指标提出,以及在其他研究中的方案设计等都有重要意义。
  • It is known that high intense pulsed ion beams ( hipib ) have a high viability to be used as an efficient energetic source for rapid film deposition and direct surface modification . up to now , however , there is still lack of a systematic work to reveal the influence of hipib on the film deposition and material modification although there are lots of papers have been published in the field . in the present work , these two practical applications of hipib were all investigated in detail
    根据强流脉冲离子束( highintensepulseionbeam ? hipib )技术具有快速沉积薄膜和材料表面辐照处理改性的特点,而目前对其薄膜沉积和材料辐照处理缺乏系统研究,本论文的工作分为两部分,其一是类金刚石薄膜( diamondlikecarbon ? dlc )沉积,其二是高速钢直接辐照处理表面改性。
  • The new requirements for applications in material surface engineering urge a new type of hipib apparatus , for instance , the generation of medium - power - density ion beam , high - stability ion beams and long - lifetime ion source etc . therefore , characterization of high power ion diode - magnetically insulated ion diode ( mid ) , the key issue for the technique development , is considered in this dissertation . the investigations of hipib generation and its mechanisms have been carried out in a temp - 6 hipib apparatus , in order to optimize the configuration of ion diode and its ion beam parameters for materials surface treatments
    针对强流脉冲离子束( hipib )技术研发的关键环节?高功率离子二极管(磁绝缘离子二极管)的工作特性,在temp - 6型hipib装置上开展了hipib产生及其形成机理的实验研究,确定了优化的离子二极管结构和辐照工艺参数;通过hipib辐照金属材料烧蚀行为的系统研究,揭示了烧蚀表面形貌的形成规律,为彻底弄清hipib与材料相互作用机理提供了实验依据。
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