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  • carl sagan
  • sagan carl
  • sagen
  • sagyn


  • It is the demon - haunted world by the lamented carl sagan
    那就是由已故的卡尔?萨根撰写的《魔鬼出没的世界》 。
  • Everything i needed to know about life , i learned from carl sagan
  • Carl sagan is my hero
  • Seti pioneer carl sagan ' s groundbreaking series cosmos is returning to television on the science channel
  • I ' m ashamed for my educational system that it was carl sagan who finally explained the concept of the scientific method to me
  • Though no longer with us on this pale blue dot , carl sagan ' s legacy will forever live on in the hearts and minds of those who love and cherish knowledge
  • Sagan was showing that it was possible to think and write clearly about how all these things are connected , and of how humans are connected to the universe
  • Carl sagan articulated poetic and accessible accounts of reality that were so beautiful and simple that once you understood what he was saying , you would never see the world the same way again
  • Although the origins of the scientism genre can be traced to the writings of galileo and thomas huxley in centuries past , its modern incarnation began in the early 1970s with mathematician jacob bronowski ' s the ascent of man , took off in the 1980s with sagan ' s cosmos and hit pay dirt in the 1990s with hawking ' s a brief history of time , which spent a record 200 weeks on the sunday times of london ' s hardcover best - seller list and sold more than 10 million copies in 30 - plus languages worldwide


  • 萨根的法语:Żagań
  • 萨根的韩语:자간 (폴란드)
  • 萨根的俄语:Жагань
  • 萨根的阿拉伯语:زاجان;
  • 萨根的印尼文:Żagań;
  • 萨根什么意思:[Sagan, Carl (Edward)] (1934.11.9,美国 纽约州 布鲁克林~1996.12.20,华盛顿州 西雅图) 美国天文学家、科普图书作家。在芝加哥大学获得博士学位。1962~1968年在史密森天体物理天文台从事行星天文研究和塞提计划(SETI,地外智力的探测)。萨根以清晰的写作和对科学的热忱闻名,成为受欢迎的科普图书作家和科学评论员。1977年出版的《伊甸园之龙:人类智力演...
萨根的英文翻译,萨根英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译萨根,萨根的英文意思,薩根的英文萨根 meaning in English薩根的英文萨根怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。