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  • planning period


  • New technology will develop during and after the planning stages that will positively affect the feasibility of all projects
  • In the 11th five - year plan , china well , make effort to reform its health and medical systems , and start to establish a social security system in rural area
  • With designing the 0 - 1 variable about the project of corridor , the model expresses the impact of project in the previous five - year plan on the current investment
    借助通道项目状态0 - 1变量的设计,模型实现了相邻规划期间项目状态对投资成本影响的反映。
  • As always , you should provide resource consumption information for use during deployment planning , such as memory , i o patterns , wall clock , and cpu usage for start up and per unit of work
    您总是应该提供反映资源消耗情况的信息,如从启动以来或每个工作单元花费的内存、 i / o模式、时钟或cpu资源,以便在部署规划期间使用。
  • There were over 4 . 1 million high school graduates in china in 2006 , and the nation s 11th five - year plan predicts that there will soon be over 25 million high school graduates looking for employment
    随著国家教育普及化,近年内地高校毕业生人数迅速增长, 2006年已逾410万人,在十一五规划期间,全国将有逾2 , 500万高校毕业生有就业需要。
  • Members of the press are cordially invited to attend the forum . the public forum aims to explore the challenges and opportunities arising from china s 11th five - year programme with particular reference to urban and regional development
规划期间的英文翻译,规划期间英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译规划期间,规划期间的英文意思,規劃期間的英文规划期间 meaning in English規劃期間的英文规划期间怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。