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  • specification control


  • Discussion on the ways of attaining control function of science norms
  • Without doubt , restricting the controling shareholders " unscrupulous behaviour is a very important one
  • The carmaker announced an overhaul of its ethics controls and pledged to “ foster a culture of openness and honesty ”
    该汽车制造商宣布,将彻底检查其道德规范控制机制,并承诺“营造公开、诚实的文化” 。
  • The paper established a model of organization abstraction and analyzed a case . vi . human resource investment is a high - return and high - risk investment . risks of human resource investment are complicated and should be controlled from beginning in a dynamic way
  • According to the author , the authority control over dissertation and thesis consists of the following two parts : the establishment of standard record of names of author / tutor and university or institute , and the establishment of standard data bank of subjects , field of research and key words
    文章指出,学位论文书目规范控制工作主要包括两方面内容:一是建立个人名称(主要是博士、硕士研究生和指导教师) 、学位授予单位名称(团体名称)的规范记录;一是建立学科专业和研究领域名称以及关键词规范库。
  • For keeping the interest of shareholder as investor of company , company legislation should control and regulate faith obligation of shareholders to prevent them from abusing controlling right ; intensify faith obligation of directors and managers to offset the negative influence from shareholders general meeting core to directorate core
  • Extending the case of nanjing local laws and regulations database , this paper discusses the problem in the resource integrating , the norms controlling of the manner of resource organization and the subject revealing during the characteristic database building of public libraries , then gives some possible resolutions


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