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音标:[ jìnjí ]  发音:  


  • promotion


  • Pps progressive power steering
  • Thus in the symbol of the black crow we have the stepping out in consciousness from the world of the physical senses the restrictions that bind us to the physical body
  • Outward messages that come to me naturally are either information that i can use , or a trial for testing my growth in wisdom , so that i have a basis on which to evaluate my practice for further progress or to rectify it
  • In order to foster these activities , the cca is working to cultivate a variety of individuals . for college students , researchers of local culture and history , administrators at basic levels , and community residents , the cca has offered related courses at the elementary and advanced levels , as well as professional seminars
  • Based on process plan reuse layering , unit - based similarity is applied to process plan design of structure unit , and the coding architecture of structure unit and grading matching strategy are presented . the modification algorithms for similar plan and method of process planning reasoning generating for new structure unit are provided


  • 进级的俄语:pinyin:jìnjí 1) повышение в чине, продвижение но службе 2) уст., мат. прогрессия
  • 进级什么意思:进升官阶。    ▶ 清 李渔 《奈何天‧计左》: “下官 袁滢 , 自从在边陲奏捷以来, 蒙圣恩加衔进级, 宠眷非常。”    ▶ 清 魏源 《乙丙湖贵征苗记》: “于是遂封 额勒登保 威勇侯, 明亮 襄勇伯, 德楞泰 继勇子, 馀进级有差。”
进级的英文翻译,进级英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译进级,进级的英文意思,進級的英文进级 meaning in English進級的英文进级怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。