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  • zheng xuan


  • Zheng xuan ' s viewpoint about the way of heaven
  • Zheng xuan ' s jinxue has exerted profound influences on traditional chinese culture and academia
  • The paper tried to describe the development of yi jing study in han dynasty
  • Thirdly , during that time , hsuan cheng was an expert on classic books and techniques , and he was jung ma ' s best student
  • My teacher chung - ha kao calls hsuan cheng " an expert on everything " and hsuan cheng ' s behaviors are no doubt the ideal of the posterity
  • This article , which unravels the principle of mechanics of materials , and clarifies hooke ' s law , and its condition found by zheng xuan , narrates points differing from yi degang ' s and discusses the problem of history of mechanics
  • The song - dynasty edition of ritual of zhou with annotations by zheng xuan of the han dynasty and explanation by lu deming of the tang dynasty was printed at the jianyang printing house during china ' s southern song dynasty , and now is collected in the peking university library
    邮票图案中的汉郑玄注、唐陆德明释文的宋版《周礼》 ,是中国南宋时期建阳书坊所制,刻印精美,图文并茂,反映了宋代雕版印刷和版画艺术的水平,现藏于北京大学图书馆。
  • As far as the ritual system of the " seven emperors ' ancestral temples " , and various forms of sacrifices of the zhou dynasty recorded in some confucian canons were concerned , the confucian scholars of the song dynasty either followed the teachings of confucian scholars such as zheng xuan , wang su and zhao kuang , supplemented and perfected their teachings , or established new explanatory systems on the basis of their own understanding and analysis of the confucian canons , thus pushing the methods of annotating confucian canons to a new level
    摘要在儒家经典记载的周代“天子七庙” 、 “四时祭” 、 “ ? ” 、 “ ? ”礼制问题上,宋儒或遵循汉代郑玄、三国魏王肃、唐赵匡有关学说;或在遵循上述儒者学说的基础上,又有所补充、完善;或依据自己对经典文义的理解,别出心裁,另创新见,将中国古代经典诠释学推向一个新的高度。
  • Have already presented the ancient piece of jade of jade in the neolithic age , has used gift it of ancient piece of jade , stem from china s ancient hemispherical dome world view , profound zeng zheng said in han dynasty : gift spirit person , must like its kind , ancient piece of jade round like day , all directions of cong are like the ground


  • 郑玄的韩语:정현 (후한)
  • 郑玄什么意思郑玄 基本解释:郑玄(127-200) : 东汉经学家。字康成,北海高密(今属山东)人。曾入太学受业,后从马融学古文经。游学归里,聚徒讲学,弟子多达数百千人。桓帝时因党锢事被禁,潜心著述,遍注群经,自成一家,为汉代经学之集大成者,号称“郑学”。


郑玄的英文翻译,郑玄英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译郑玄,郑玄的英文意思,鄭玄的英文郑玄 meaning in English鄭玄的英文郑玄怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。