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  • quantum statistical mechanics
  • quantum statistics
  • "量子"英文翻译    quantum; gion
  • "统计"英文翻译    statistics; census; numerica ...
  • "量子统计法" 英文翻译 :    quantum statistics
  • "量子统计学" 英文翻译 :    quantum statistics
  • "n 量子统计学" 英文翻译 :    quantum statistics
  • "量子统计力学" 英文翻译 :    quantum statistical mechanics
  • "量子统计动力学" 英文翻译 :    quantum statistical dynamics
  • "麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼量子统计学" 英文翻译 :    maxwell-boltzmamnn quantum statistics
  • "电子统计机" 英文翻译 :    electronic statistical machine
  • "光子统计学" 英文翻译 :    photon statistics; photostatistics
  • "塞子统计" 英文翻译 :    plug count
  • "原子统计表" 英文翻译 :    atomic summary table
  • "光子统计学,光子流统计分布" 英文翻译 :    photon statistics
  • "量子光学与统计光学" 英文翻译 :    quantum optics and statistical optics
  • "量子" 英文翻译 :    quantum; gion 光量子 light quantum; 量子场 quantum field; 量子场论 [量子] quantized field theory; quantum field theory; 量子电动力学 [物理学] quantum electrodynamics; 量子电子学 [电子学] quantum electronics; 量子定律 quantum law; 量子辐射 quantum radiation; 量子干涉仪 quantum inteferometer; 量子光学 quantum optics; 量子化学 [物理化学] quantum chemistry; 量子计数器 [电学] quantum counter; 量子晶体 quantum crystal; 量子流体 quantum fluid; 量子流体动力学 [低温] quantum hydrodynamics; 量子论 [物理学] planck's theory; quantum theory; 量子能 quantum energy; 量子生物化学 quantum biochemistry; 量子生物学 quantum biology; 量子声学 quantum acoustics; 量子释放 quantum release; 量子探测器 [物理学] quantum detector; 量子统计学[统力] quantum statistics; 量子物理学 quantum physics; 量子引力动力学 quantum gravitational dynamics; 量子有机化学 quantum organic chemistry
  • "金子统昭" 英文翻译 :    nobuaki kaneko
  • "统计" 英文翻译 :    1.(对有关数据的搜集、整理、计算和分析) statistics; census; numerical statement; vital statistics 人口统计 census; vital statistics; 据官方统计 according to official statistics; 据不完全统计 according to incomplete statistics; 统计显示, 这个国家人口在十年内将增加一倍。 statistics suggest that the population of this country will double in ten years' time.2.(总括地计算) add up; count 统计出席人数 count up the number of people present (at a meeting, etc.); 统计选票 count the votes; 统计报单 statistical copy; 统计表 statistical chart; statistical table; statistical graph; returns; 统计抽样 statistical sampling; 统计地图 statistical map; 统计方法 statistical method; 统计分析 statistic analysis; 统计力学 statistical mechanics; 统计数列 statistical series; 统计数字 census; statistical figures; statistics; 统计说明 statistical description; 统计图 cartogram; 统计图表 statistical diagram; statistical table; statistical chart; statistical graph; 统计信息 statistical information; 统计语言学 statistical linguistics; 统计员 statistician; 统计资料 statistical data
  • "场量子" 英文翻译 :    field quantum; fundamental field particle
  • "磁量子" 英文翻译 :    magnetic quantum; magnon
  • "多量子" 英文翻译 :    multiple quantum
  • "光量子" 英文翻译 :    (光子) light quantum; optical photon; photon
  • "角量子" 英文翻译 :    azimuthal quantum number
  • "局量子" 英文翻译 :    quantal
  • "量子场" 英文翻译 :    quantized field; quantum field; quantum theory
  • "量子点" 英文翻译 :    quantum dot


  • Quantum statistic properties of the orthogonal 0 . 3cm q - coherent state
  • Quantum statistical mechanics
  • The squeezing effect and quantum statistical properties of one new coherent superposition state
  • The experimental discoveries and the mean - field theory for the dilute ultra - cold boses are described in detail
  • Bose - einstein condensate ( bec ) is the consequence of quantum statistics and is closely related to superfluid phenomena
    玻色爱因斯坦凝聚( bec )是量子统计的结果,与超流现象密切相关。
  • This article points out the imprecision of the eduction of uncertairnty relation from wave packet while the motion of microcosmic particles is determined by quantum statistical theorem
  • Quantum optics is a subject in studying the coherence and the quantum statistical properties of radiation field , as well as the quantum characters of light interacting with matter
  • By using quantum statistical theory , we give anti - orientatianon numbers and phonons numbers . we calculate order parameters , , by using numerical value method , and compare it with experiment value
    可采用量子统计给出反取向子数和声子数,我们用数值方法计算了序参量, , ,并与实验测定值比较。
  • This thesis reports an analytic study on the giant - magnetoresistance of multi - layer sandwich structure and spin - valve structure by using green function quantum statistics approach and nonlinear kubo formula that was derived by sub - dynamics theory
  • On the basis of single mode superposition states , the squeezing and quantum statistical properties in the two - mode superposition states have been studied . the influences of the photon number , photon number difference , coefficients in the states and their relative phase on these non - classical properties have also been discussed . we have compared the results in the two - mode superposition states with those in the single - mode case


量子统计的英文翻译,量子统计英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译量子统计,量子统计的英文意思,量子統計的英文量子统计 meaning in English量子統計的英文量子统计怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。