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  • atm card
  • "金融"英文翻译    finance; banking
  • "卡"英文翻译    wedge; get stuck; be jammed
  • "万张自动柜员晶片金融卡" 英文翻译 :    atm ic card
  • "金融" 英文翻译 :    finance; banking◇金融比率 financial ratios; 金融呆滞 financial stringency; 金融改革 financial reform; 金融改组 financial reorganization; 金融杠杆 monetary lever [leverage]; 金融公司 finance company; finance corporation; 金融公司存款市场 market in finance house deposits; 金融寡头 financial oligarch; financial magnate; 金融汇率 financial rate; 金融货币危机 financial and monetary crisis; 金融机构 financial institution; banking institution; 金融机关 financial institution; 金融机关投资家 institutional investor; 金融结构 financial structure; 金融季节性 financial seasonableness; 金融集团 financial clique; 金融家 city man; financier; 金融交易 financial transactions; 金融界 financial community; financial circle; financial interests; financial world; moneyed interest; 金融紧缩 tight money policy; deflationary policy; 金融居间人 financial intermediaries; 金融巨头 shark of high finance; financial tycoon; 金融媒介 financial intermediation; 金融媒介[中介]物 financial intermediary; 金融人士 financial figures; 金融商行 financial house; 金融市场 financial market; monetary markets; money market; market for funds; 金融市场松动 easing of money rates; 金融市场银根紧 stringency of the money market; 金融数量管理 financial quantitative regulation; 金融数量管制 financial quantitative control; 金融体制 monetary system; 金融投机 monetary speculation; 金融危机 financial crisis; 金融学会 finance [monetary] society; 金融正常化 financial normalization; 金融政策 financial policy; 金融制裁 financial sanction; 金融中心 banking centre; financial centre; 金融资本 financial capital; finance capital
  • "货币,金融" 英文翻译 :    monetary
  • "及金融" 英文翻译 :    banking &finance
  • "金融版" 英文翻译 :    financial section
  • "金融报" 英文翻译 :    financial gazette; finanzas
  • "金融城" 英文翻译 :    city of london; corporation of london
  • "金融的" 英文翻译 :    financial
  • "金融二" 英文翻译 :    finance ii
  • "金融法" 英文翻译 :    finance law; international financial law
  • "金融股" 英文翻译 :    among financial stocks
  • "金融家" 英文翻译 :    city man; el financiero; financer; financiero el; financiers; money man; moneyman
  • "金融街" 英文翻译 :    beijing financial street; commercial street
  • "金融界" 英文翻译 :    financial circle(world); financial community; financial quarters; financial sector; financial world; the banking area
  • "金融区" 英文翻译 :    financial district
  • "金融网" 英文翻译 :    cfn; cnfn
  • "金融系" 英文翻译 :    dept. of architecture; deptof bankingg
  • "金融学" 英文翻译 :    finance and banking; financial studies; msc finance; science of finance
  • "金融业" 英文翻译 :    finance; financial industry
  • "金融债" 英文翻译 :    financial bond
  • "金融战" 英文翻译 :    financial war
  • "量金融" 英文翻译 :    mathematical finance
  • "新金融" 英文翻译 :    new finance


  • Mr . lin : yes . what about getting an atm card
  • Mr . lin : how soon can i pick up my checks and atm card
  • Post financial card . magnetic card
  • Post financial card - ic card
  • You may apply for atm card or fancy card ( with the function of making withdrawal and credit purchase )
    可申请金融卡或欢喜卡(具提款及刷卡消费功能) 。
  • The discharge accounts of this hospital can be settled by cash or atm . sorry , so far there is no service for using a credit card
  • In the u . s . , widespread use of magnetic - stripe credit cards , bank cards and identification cards left consumers with little need for smart cards
  • To avoid the bankrupt , there is credit limit . when your expense reaches the limit , the credit card company stops your using credit card until all payment has finished
  • Currently atmel ic cards are widely used in tax management , industrial commercial administration , tollway and toll bridge , traffic control , public transportation , power metering , gas metering , financial service , card phone , gas station , timecard system and gate control system , and so on
    Atmel ic卡也在国内税务管理工商管理公路桥梁收费交警管理系统公交票务医疗保险卡食堂就餐卡驾驶证副卡电表煤气表电话预收费ic卡电话金融卡宾馆门锁加油站考勤系统工资等和各种系统中广泛采用。


金融卡是指一种可在自动柜员机(ATM)上做金融交易之电子卡片,早期多不具转帐卡功能(Debit Card),现在部分卡片已结合信用卡(Credit Card)功能。在台湾以外的其他华人地区通常称为银行卡。
金融卡的英文翻译,金融卡英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译金融卡,金融卡的英文意思,金融卡的英文金融卡 meaning in English金融卡的英文金融卡怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。