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  • The underground tear started 100 kilometers off the coast of sumatra , on the western edge of the burma plate
  • A semi - transparent redish brown resin extracted from benzoin trees . used mostly as a stablizing agent . origin : sumatra
  • The huntings of human striving for survival could also be the reasons of uneven distribution of orang in borneo and sumatra
  • Until now , the endemic sumatran ground cuckoo has only been recorded once since 1916 , and then only from southern sumatra in 1997
  • The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on krakatau , a small , uninhabited island located west of sumatra in indonesia
  • Pimenta stated brazil s wish to help stabilize the situation in guinea bissau and mentioned the exemplary way in which the political transition process was carried out
  • To add richness and body to a blend , asian pacific coffees such as sumatra , sulawesi , java , east timor , new guinea and ethiopian yirgacheffe are used
  • The dh also reminded travellers to indonesia to be vigilant against polio following report of outbreaks in west java , central java and sumatra since march this year
    另外,由于自今年三月印尼西爪哇、中爪哇及苏门达腊出现小儿麻痹症个案, ?生署呼吁前往印尼的旅客提高警惕。
  • General allen said a second navy task force led by the amphibious assault ship the bonhomme richard had entered the indian ocean monday to join in operations off sumatra
  • The search has begun for victims in the indonesia earthquake , a massive 8 . 4 quake hit on sumatra island . at least ten people have died . tsunami warnings line the indian ocean
    印尼已展开震后遇难者的搜救行动,这次地震中苏门达腊岛震级达里氏8 . 4级,现已造成至少10人死亡,印度洋海岸区域也发布海啸警报。
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