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  • leadership science
  • leadershiscience
  • "领导"英文翻译    lead; exercise leadership
  • "科学"英文翻译    science; scientific knowledg ...
  • "倡导科学精神" 英文翻译 :    scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit
  • "思想,倡导科学精神" 英文翻译 :    scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit
  • "普及科普知识,传播科学思想,倡导科学精神" 英文翻译 :    popularize scientific and technological knowledge, spread scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit
  • "倡导科" 英文翻译 :    aers
  • "领导" 英文翻译 :    1.(率领并引导前进) lead; exercise leadership 领导我们从胜利走向胜利 lead us from victory to victory; 领导现代化建设工作 exercise leadership in modernization program; 担任领导工作 shoulder the responsibility of leadership; hold a leading position; 他们忍无可忍, 领导乡亲们拿起武器准备行动。 driven beyond endurance, they led the villagers to arm themselves and prepare for action.2.(领导者) leadership; leader 领导要深入群众。 leaders should go among the masses.; 领导班子 leading group [body]; 领导成份 leading sector; composition of the leadership; 领导方法 method of leadership; 领导方式 leadership style; 领导方针 guiding policy; 领导干部 leading cadre [officials]; 领导骨干 the backbone of the leadership; mainstay [backbone; key] members of the leadership; 领导核心 leading nucleus; the core of leadership; 领导机关 leading body [organ]; 领导集团 leading group; 领导权 leadership; authority; overall control; 领导人 leader; 领导体制 leadership structure; 领导小组 leading group; 领导艺术 leadership skill; the art of leadership;领导作用 leading role
  • "全国哲学社会科学规划领导小组" 英文翻译 :    national philosophy social science planning leading group
  • "检查指导科,监督室" 英文翻译 :    inspection and guidance division
  • "领导,领导层" 英文翻译 :    leadership
  • "科学" 英文翻译 :    science; scientific knowledge 理论科学 pure science; 社会科学 social sciences; 应用科学 applied science; 自然科学 natural science; 边缘科学 borderline [boundary] science; 人文科学 cultural science; 精密科学 exact science; 尖端科学 top science; 语言科学 linguistic science; 开始从事一门科学研究 take up a science; 把科学用于农业 apply science to farming; 他决定研究科学。 he decided to study science.; 科学城 [俄语] academgorodok; 科学出版社 science press; 科学处理 scientific processing; 科学传统 scientific tradition; 科学创造性 scientific creativity; 科学动力学 scientific dynamics; 科学发现 scientific discovery; 科学发展模式 science development model; 科学法 science law; 科学方法 scientism; scientific approach; 科学方法论 methodology of science; 科学分析 scientific analysis; 科学工作者 scientific worker; science worker; scientist; 科学观 view of science; 科学管理(法) scientific management; management of science; scientific administration; 科学规律 scientific law; 科学幻想 science fiction; 科学幻想片 science-fiction film; 科学幻想杂志 fanzine; 科学活动 scientific activities; 科学基金 science fund; 科学集约化 intensification of science; 科学记录 science record; 科学家 scientist; 科学假设 scientific hypothesis; 科学教育片 popular-scientific film; 科学教育学 pedagogics of science; 科学解释 scientific explanation; 科学界 scientific community; 科学考察船 research ship; 科学理论 scientific theory; 科学立法 scientific legislation; 科学论 theory of science; 科学论证 scientific verification; 科学美学 aesthetics of science; 科学名词 scientific terminology; 科学普及 scientific popularization; 科学普及读物 popular science books; popular science; 科学气球 scientific balloon; 科学情报 scientific information; 科学情报学 science of scientific information; 科学社会主义 scientific socialism; 科学实验 scientific experiment; 科学史 history of science; 科学术语 scientific terminology; 科学数据处理 scientific data processing; 科学态度 scientism; 科学探测与技术试验卫星 scientific exploration and technological experimentation satellite; 科学探索 scientific exploration; 科学讨论会 scientific symposium; 科学卫星 scientific satellite; 科学文化水平 scientific and cultural level; 科学文化素质 cultural and scientific qualities; 科学文献 scientific documentation; scientific literature; 科学性 scientificalness; 科学学 science of sciences; scienology; 科学研究 scientific research; study of science; 科学研讨会 symposium on academic subjects; 科学仪器 scientific instruments; scientific apparatus; 科学语法 scientific grammar; 科学 (计算)语言 scientific language; 科学语言学 linguistics of science; 科学预测 scientific forecasting; 科学预测学 prognostics of science; science of scientific forecasting; 科学预见 scientific prediction; 科学战略 strategy for science; 科学哲学 philosophy of science; 科学真理 scientific truth; 科学政策 science policy; 科学政策学 study of science policy; 科学种田 scientific farming; farm in a scientific way; 科学组织 science organization
  • "工头,领导" 英文翻译 :    crew leader
  • "领导,带头" 英文翻译 :    take the lead
  • "领导层" 英文翻译 :    executive level
  • "领导车" 英文翻译 :    leading car
  • "领导的" 英文翻译 :    leading
  • "领导干" 英文翻译 :    lead 2
  • "领导价" 英文翻译 :    leader price
  • "领导奖" 英文翻译 :    leadership award
  • "领导力" 英文翻译 :    leadership challenge; leadership skills
  • "领导权" 英文翻译 :    hegemony; leadership authority
  • "领导人" 英文翻译 :    director; head; journey to the overseer; leadership; project leader
  • "领导学" 英文翻译 :    entrepreneurship; leadership
  • "领导者" 英文翻译 :    bellwether; conductor; coryphaeus; die fuhrungskraft; director; duke; freda; fugleman; fuhrungskraft die; leader member exchange theory; leader-member exchange (lmx) theory; leadermember exchange theory; leadermember relations; leadership; lmx theory; moses; the leader
  • "领导枝" 英文翻译 :    conductor leader


  • Thoughts on the construction of the leading science
  • Elementary analysis of leadership science in guan zi
  • Modern leading cadres should become experts in leadership science
  • Reargue the logical starting point of the accounting theory research
  • On the science of leading and art of leading
  • Ten new developing trends of leadership science of our country in the new century
  • The important thought of quot; three representatives quot; and the development of leadership science
  • The science of leadership is a hot research topic in recent years which stems out of rich reality origin and social background
  • The research has both academic and practical value . firstly , it inaugurates the study on the relationship between the big - five personality and trait goal orientation and transformational leadership in chinese enterprises and recruits the research contents of industrial and organizational psychology . secondly , it puts forward some valuable suggestions for practical work of training and selecting managers
  • Through changing directly with the original data of business - distribution management of power supply bureaus and realizing the in - time , accurate and reliable management and supervise to all of the company , all kinds of stat . analysis reports forms can be made . the forecast of load can be realized in order to support the foundation for the market exploitation , scientific making - decision
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 领导科学什么意思领导科学 基本解释:研究领导行为的规律、原则和方法的学科。以领导行为为研究对象。主要研究领导活动的性质、领导的基本职能、领导机构的组织原则、领导的方法和效率、领导者应具备的素质、才能和作风等。
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