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  • temple region
  • temporal region


  • This angiogram demonstrates a tortuous collection of irregular small vessels in the temporal region of the brain
  • The discrepancy was that the deep temporal fascia was divided into superficial and deep layers all over the whole temporal regions in all the specimens , not confined only to where the intermediate fat pad sits
  • Methods a total of 10 cadaveric heads ( 20 sides ) stepwise dissection was performed with the aid of surgical microscope ; pterional craniotomy was performed in 34 cases and transzygomatic craniotomy performed in 11 cases , dealing with the temporal region with certain techniques
    方法尸头10个( 20侧) ,在手术显微镜下逐层解剖;在34例翼点开颅和11例经颧开颅手术中,运用特定的技术解剖颞区
  • Abstract objective to list the commonly used terms to describe the anatomy of temporal region , provide a detailed review of the anatomical features , and make a new research on the intraoperative strategies in temporal region to optimize the dissection and minimize the possibility of potential injury to the frontotemporal branches of facial nerve
  • This view even suggests that the great spiritual inspiration reached by historical figures such as joan of arc , dostoyevsky , proust , saint paul and saint teresa of avila simply may have been caused by temporal lobe epilepsy , which consists of abnormal surges of electrical activity in the brains temporal regions
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