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音标:[ móluó ]  发音:  


  • a term for inhabitants of kuinagara and pāv
  • mara


  • Then the venerable raha said : ” ” mara ! mara ! ” they say , lord . tell me , lord , to what extent does mara exist
    罗达接着说: “ ”魔罗!魔罗! “他们说。世尊,请告诉我,在什么程度上魔罗存在? ”
  • And , monks , as long as this knowledge & vision of mine ? with its three rounds & twelve permutations concerning these four noble truths as they actually are ? was not pure , i did not claim to have directly awakened to the right self - awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities , maras , & brahmas , with its contemplatives & priests , its royalty & common people
  • But as soon as this knowledge & vision of mine ? with its three rounds & twelve permutations concerning these four noble truths as they actually are ? was truly pure , then i did claim to have directly awakened to the right self - awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities , maras , & brahmas , with its contemplatives & priests , its royalty & commonfolk


  • 魔罗的俄语:pinyin:móluó (санскр. Mara) будд. Мара; злой дух, дьявол
  • 魔罗什么意思:[Mara] 佛教中的烦恼之主,他一再引诱乔答摩释迦牟尼。乔答摩在菩提树下就座,等待开悟时,邪恶的魔罗变成信使,称敌手已经篡夺释迦族的王位。魔罗在呼风唤雨、飞沙走石、天昏地暗,吓跑聚集的众神后,质疑乔答摩坐在树下的权利,并派出他的3个女儿特利悉那(贪欲)、罗蒂(情欲)和罗伽(乐欲)来诱惑乔达摩,但徒劳无功。乔答摩觉悟后,魔罗逼迫乔答摩不传教,但众神成功地说服佛陀宣讲佛法。
魔罗的英文翻译,魔罗英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译魔罗,魔罗的英文意思,魔羅的英文魔罗 meaning in English魔羅的英文魔罗怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。