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为何不再试一下 Why not try again?
为何不能让我安安静静地休息一会 Why don't let me have a litt...
为共同的利益而联合起来 unite for mutual interest
为其他国家树立一个楷模 afford an example to other n...
为农村服务 serve the countryside
为农民唱歌 sing for the peasants
为农民歌唱 sing for the peasants
为冤结仇 be enemies because of a grie...
为别人担责任 undertake the responsibility...
为别人拍照 take a picture of sb.
为功所惑 be dazzled at success
为博物馆的藏画编目 catalogue the paintings in a...
为参加宴会而打扮 deck oneself up for a banque...
为友谊干杯 toast our friendship
为发展石油工业开拓一条道路 open up a path for the devel...
为名为利 run after fame and gain
为后代着想 for the sake of future gener...
为后代造福 benefit future generations
为善 do good
为善最乐 Doing good is the greatest s...
为四化建设增添一砖一瓦 add a brick and a tile to th...
为国为民 for the state and the people
为国争光 win honour for one's country
为国受苦 suffer for one's country
为国增光 do credit to one's country
为国家培养人才 train qualified people to me...
为国家尽一份力 do one's bit for one's natio...
为国家积累资金 accumulate funds for the sta...
为国家追回 11亿2千万的经济损失 retrive 12 billi...
为国尽忠 die for one's country
为国捐躯 lay down one's life for one'...
为国效劳 render one's services to the...
为国旗增光添彩 add lustre to the national f...
为国牺牲 sacrifice oneself for the co...
为国献身 dedicate one's life to the s...
为国除奸 weed the country of traitors
为国除害 rid the country of a scoundr...
为增产打下坚实的基础 lay solid foundations for in...
为大多数人谋利益 work for the interests of th...
为她生日聚餐 make up a dinner party for h...
为好奇心所驱使 be prompted by curiosity
为好成仇 kill with kindness
为婚事张罗 make arrangements for weddin...
为学而学 learn... for the sake of lea...
为安全起见把扣子扣好 buckle up for safety knot
为官清廉 an honest and upright office...
为官清正 be an incorrupt official
为实现四个现代化而努力工作 work hard for realizing the ...
为实现四化而斗争 strive for the four moderniz...
为客把盏 offer a cup of wine to the g...
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