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为害滋甚 cause greater havoc than eve...
为害非浅 It does a lot of damage.
为富不仁 in the pursuit of riches the...
为对方建立使馆提供便利 provide the other side with ...
为小事吵架 bicker over sth. unimportant
为小失大 sell one's birthright for a ...
为小说中的主要人物定名 decide on names for the prin...
为尸体作入殓安葬准备 lay out a corpse
为展览会剪彩 cut the ribbon at the openin...
为市场提供新产品 supply the market with new p...
为庆祝 in celebration of
为应广大读者需要 to meet the needs of the bro...
为建立一所新的自然科学馆开始集资 start a fund for a new natur...
为影片中女主角配音 dub for the heroine in the f...
为德不卒 do a good deed not to the fi...
为恋爱问题而愁闷 feel depressed over a love a...
为恶不悛 insist on doing evil without...
为悼念革命先烈静默三分钟 observe a three minutes' sil...
为慎重起见 for caution's sake
为我之物 thing-for-us
为我们做出仿效的好榜样 set us a good example for im...
为我们树立好榜样 set a good example to us
为所欲为 do as one pleases
为报刊兜揽订户 canvass subscribers for a ne...
为报纸撰稿 write articles for a newspap...
为政不在多言 They that govern most make t...
为政之道 the proper governance of a s...
为救灾基金捐款 make donations to the calami...
为数 amount to
为数不多 be few in number
为数不少 come up to a large number
为数有限 limited in number
为数甚多 be strong in number
为数甚巨 The total sum is considerabl...
为数甚微 amount to very little
为新房子安装自来水管道 pipe a new house for water
为方便起见 for convenience's sake
为方便顾客起见 for the convenience of the c...
为时尚早 It is still too early.
为时已晚 It's too late.
为时已晚的悔改 a death-bed repentance
为时过早 premature
为时过早的决定 a premature decision
为昆 Wei Kun
为期 by a definite date
为期不远 The day is not too distant w...
为期四周的寒假 a four-week's winter vacatio...
为期甚远 The day is far away.
为条条框框所束缚 be hedged in with rules and ...
为枯燥的演讲增添些轶事 season a dull lecture with a...
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