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为了军事上的目的 for military purposes
为了参考方便起见 for the sake of convenient r...
为了图吉利他一直保存着这尊佛像 He has kept the figure of Bu...
为了安全起见 for safety sake
为了实现现代化 for the sake of modernizatio...
为了少量订货办这么大的厂划不来 It didn't pay to run such a ...
为了方便 for convenience
为了正义事业赴汤蹈火在所不辞 I wouldn't hesitate to go th...
为了祖国的利益他乐于牺牲个人所好 He is ready to sacrifice inc...
为了表彰他生前的事迹 in recognition of his deeds ...
为了装门面 for appearance's sake
为事业献身 give up one's life for a cau...
为享乐而生活 live for enjoyment
为人 behave
为人之道 the rules of conduct
为人作冰 come with proposals of marri...
为人作嫁 sew sb. else's trousseau
为人公正 upright in character
为人坦率 be frank and open
为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩 A man of irreproachable cond...
为人师表 be worthy of the name of tea...
为人张目 serve the schemes of sb.
为人忠厚质朴 be simple and honest
为人所不齿 unmentionable
为人所害 be murdered
为人所左右 be controlled by sb.
为人所愚 be fooled by sb.
为人所笑 be laughed at
为人所重 be regarded highly
为人方正 be an upright man
为人正直 be upright
为人民服务 serve the people
为人民服务是我的格言 Serving the people is my mot...
为人民服务的献身精神 devoted service to the peopl...
为人民谋幸福 work for the people's happin...
为人民谋福利 work for the well-being of t...
为人民造福 bring benefit to the people
为人爽快 be frank and straightforward...
为人着想 show thought for others
为人类服务 serve humanity
为人精明 be a man of sagacity
为人说项 speak for sb.
为什么 why
为什么一副愁眉苦脸的样子 Why wear such a woebegone lo...
为什么不试一试 Why not have a try?
为什么我该听命于你 Why should I dance to your p...
为什么非要挨到下个月不可 Why should it be put off til...
为他人而工作会使人感到极大的满足 Working for others can be mo...
为伍 associate with
为何 why
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