interests in land中文什么意思

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  1. We introduced the land titles bill into the legislative council in december 2002 with a view to promoting a title registration system to give greater security to interests in land and property and to simplify conveyancing
  2. To guarantee peasant interests in land , we need not only to support for peasants using lands in advance , but also to cultivate the markets that will benefit for realization of interests , and to protect peasant interests afterwards
  3. Premier wen jiabao said in mid - march that some local governments were behind rising rural unrest , violating laws and regulations and harming the public ' s interests in land requisition , housing demolitions and business restructuring
  4. 10 . we introduced the land titles bill into the legco in december 2002 . the main purposes of the bill are to promote a title registration system to give greater security to interests in land and property and to simplify conveyancing hplbo2
    10 .我们已在二零零二年十二月向立法会提交土地业权条例草案,主要目的是推行业权注册制度,加强保障土地及物业的权益,以及精简业权转易程序hplbo2 。
  5. In order to establish scientific and reasonable system of land requisition , it is essential to define the scope of public interest in land requisition strictly and correctly , perfect the procedure of land requisition and establish and improve equitable compensatory system


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  7. interests of the general public 什么意思
  8. interests of the whole 什么意思
  9. interests or hobbies 什么意思
  10. interests receivable 什么意思


和吸烟一样致命的五大健康杀手  (双语)

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