1. 质地优良 fine quality
  2. 质地坏 poor quality
  3. 质地坚韧 strong but pliable in textur...
  4. 质地好 high quality
  5. 质地精良 be of best quality
  6. 质地细密 of close texture
  7. 质地考究 superior quality
  8. 质子 proton
  9. 质子加速器 proton accelerator
  10. 质子层 proton sphere
  11. 质子束 proton beam
  12. 质子泵 proton pump
  13. 质子谱 proton spectra
  14. 质子谱仪 proton spectrometer
  15. 质子轰击 proton bombardment
  16. 质对 verify
  17. 质押 pledge
  18. 质押书 letter of hypothecation
  19. 质押品 collateral security
  20. 质押早已期满 The pledge has long since ru...
  21. 质数 prime number
  22. 质料 material
  23. 质料上乘 Material is of the best qual...
  24. 质朴 simple and unadorned
  25. 质朴宜人 simple and pleasant
  26. 质朴无华 simple and unadorned
  27. 质权 mortgage
  28. 质权人 pawnee
  29. 质正有道 present to the scholars for ...
  30. 质点 mass point
  31. 质点力学 particle mechanics
  32. 质疑 call in question
  33. 质疑问难 ask doubtful questions and i...
  34. 质的飞跃 qualitative leap
  35. 质直 upright
  36. 质直好义 upright and righteous
  37. 质言 truthful words
  38. 质言之 put it bluntly
  39. 质询 address inquiries to pawn
  40. 质谱 mass spectra
  41. 质谱仪 mass analyzer
  42. 质谱仪检定 mass spectrometric detection
  43. 质谱分析 mass spectrum analysis
  44. 质谱学 mass spectrometry
  45. 质谱测量 mass-spectrometer measuremen...
  46. 质谱线 line
  47. 质谱计 mass spectrograph
  48. 质远同 Zhi Yuantong
  49. 质量 mass
  50. 质量下等 inferior in quality

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