1. 贫农基金 poor peasants' fund
  2. 贫化 dilution
  3. 贫协 poor and lower-middle peasan...
  4. 贫嘴 garrulous
  5. 贫嘴烂舌 have a caustic and flippant ...
  6. 贫嘴薄舌 garrulous and sharp-tongued
  7. 贫嘴贱舌 addicted to senseless talk
  8. 贫困 poor
  9. 贫困不堪 extremely poor
  10. 贫困化 pauperization
  11. 贫困地区 distressed area
  12. 贫困潦倒 be on the beach
  13. 贫困线 poverty line
  14. 贫富不均 too much difference between ...
  15. 贫富共仰 be adored by the rich and th...
  16. 贫富分化 polarization between the ric...
  17. 贫富悬殊 extreme disparity between th...
  18. 贫富鸿沟 gap between the rich and the...
  19. 贫寒 in indigent circumstances
  20. 贫寒人家 an impoverished family
  21. 贫弱 poor and weak
  22. 贫无立锥 so poor as to have no room t...
  23. 贫无立锥之地 utterly destitute
  24. 贫民 poor people
  25. 贫民区 slum area
  26. 贫民区的惨状 the miserable condition of t...
  27. 贫民救济税 poor rate
  28. 贫民窟 slum
  29. 贫民窟的居民 slummer
  30. 贫气 stingy
  31. 贫油 be poor in oil resources
  32. 贫油国 oil-poor country
  33. 贫病交加 be plagued by both poverty a...
  34. 贫病交迫 suffering from both poverty ...
  35. 贫病交集 sick and in straits
  36. 贫病相连 Poverty and sickness are clo...
  37. 贫瘠 poor
  38. 贫瘠土 poor soil
  39. 贫瘠地 barrens
  40. 贫瘠地区 desert
  41. 贫瘠带 barren zone
  42. 贫矿 lean ore
  43. 贫矿石 low-grade ore
  44. 贫穷 poor
  45. 贫穷循环 cycle of poverty
  46. 贫穷的村寨 a poverty-stricken village
  47. 贫穷能使人勤劳 Poverty is a stimulus to ind...
  48. 贫穷落后 be poor and backward
  49. 贫穷落后的面貌 poor and backward state
  50. 贫窭 poor

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