1. 贫而无谄 poor but not flattering
  2. 贫苦 poor
  3. 贫苦地区 distressed area
  4. 贫血 anemia
  5. 贫贱 poor and lowly low-down
  6. 贫贱不移 poor but with lofty ideals
  7. 贫贱不能移 not to be shaken or modified...
  8. 贫贱之交 be friends in the days when ...
  9. 贫贱骄人 be proud of one's poverty
  10. 贫雇农 poor peasants and farm labou...
  11. degrade
  12. 贬义 derogatory sence
  13. 贬义词 derogatory term
  14. 贬价 reduce price censure
  15. 贬低 belittle
  16. 贬低其重要性 belittle the importance of s...
  17. 贬低别人取得的成果 belittle what others have ac...
  18. 贬低发明的价值 depreciate the invention
  19. 贬值 devalue
  20. 贬值率 rate of depreciation
  21. 贬值系数 coefficient of depreciation
  22. 贬值货币 depreciated currency
  23. 贬得一钱不值 condemn as worthless
  24. 贬抑 belittle
  25. 贬斥 demote denounce
  26. 贬词 derogatory term
  27. 贬谪 banish from the court
  28. 贬黜 demote reduce
  29. purchase
  30. 购买 purchase
  31. 购买中心 shopping center
  32. 购买价格 purchasing price
  33. 购买力 purchasing power
  34. 购买力平价 purchasing power parity
  35. 购买力平价理论 theory of purchasing power p...
  36. 购买力平价说 purchasing power parity theo...
  37. 购买动机 buying motive
  38. 购买欲 desire to buy
  39. 购买款 purchase money
  40. 购买热潮 rush
  41. 购买礼品 gift purchases
  42. 购买税 purchase tax
  43. 购买股票 buy stock
  44. 购买袋 carrier bag
  45. 购买证 authority to purchase
  46. 购买限额 buying quota
  47. 购入检验 purchasing inspection
  48. 购单 buying order
  49. 购回 repurchase
  50. 购得 purchase

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