1. 改头换面 make only superficial change...
  2. 改嫁 remarry
  3. 改容易色 One's face changed its hue.
  4. 改山易河 reshape the mountains and ri...
  5. 改山治水 transform mountains and harn...
  6. 改山造田可是硬碰硬的事 To transform hills into fiel...
  7. 改建 rebuild
  8. 改建计划尚不成形 The plan of reconstruction h...
  9. 改建项目 reconstruction item
  10. 改弦易辙 make a new start
  11. 改弦更张 refix a bowstring -- to chan...
  12. 改恶从善 remove the evil and follow t...
  13. 改悔 repent
  14. 改扩建 reorganization and expansion
  15. 改扮 disguise oneself as
  16. 改换 change over to
  17. 改换名称 rename
  18. 改换地点 change the place
  19. 改换家门 change the status of one's f...
  20. 改换朝代 change a dynasty
  21. 改换步调 change of pace
  22. 改掉 remove
  23. 改掉坏习气 correct bad habits
  24. 改掉抽烟习惯 give up the habit of smoking
  25. 改日 another day
  26. 改日再来 come another day instead
  27. 改易 change
  28. 改朝换代 dynastic changes an emperor'...
  29. 改期 change the date
  30. 改本子 go over students' written ex...
  31. 改来变去 shift about
  32. 改正 correct
  33. 改正液 correction fluid
  34. 改正过失 amend one's fault
  35. 改步改玉 adopt different measures acc...
  36. 改河易道 change the river course
  37. 改煤灶 make alteration in an oven r...
  38. 改种水稻 switch over to growing rice
  39. 改窜 tamper with
  40. 改组 reorganize
  41. 改组内阁 reshuffle the cabinet
  42. 改组领导班子 reorganize the leading body
  43. 改编 adapt
  44. 改编曲 arrangement
  45. 改编本 adaptation
  46. 改编者 editor
  47. 改良 improve
  48. 改良主义 reformism
  49. 改良主义者 reformist
  50. 改良厕所 improve latrine

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