1. 焦糖 caramel
  2. 焦糖香味 caramel odour
  3. 焦结 close-burning
  4. 焦耳 Joule Joule
  5. 焦耳加热 Joule heating
  6. 焦耳定律 Joule's law
  7. 焦耳当量 Joule equivalent
  8. 焦耳循环 Joule cycle
  9. 焦耳积分 Joule integral
  10. 焦耳计 Joulemeter
  11. 焦聚 bring in focus
  12. 焦聚分光 focal isolation
  13. 焦肉 carbonado
  14. 焦虑 feel anxious
  15. 焦虑不安 be in a flutter of excitemen...
  16. 焦虑反应 anxiety reaction
  17. 焦虑性 anxiety
  18. 焦虑性抑郁症 agitated depression
  19. 焦虑性抑郁综合征 anxious depressive syndrome
  20. 焦虑性歇斯底里 anxiety hysteria
  21. 焦虑性神经机能病 aporioneurosis
  22. 焦虑性神经症 anxiety neurosis
  23. 焦虑状态 anxiety state
  24. 焦虑过度 hypercedemonia
  25. 焦裕禄 Jiao Yulu
  26. 焦距 focal distance
  27. 焦距检定 focal length calibration
  28. 焦距计 focometer
  29. 焦距调整 focal setting
  30. 焦躁 restless with anxiety
  31. 焦车 coke car
  32. 焦阑 telecentric iris
  33. 焦阑系 telecentric system
  34. 焦面 bench side
  35. 焦面位移 focal plane shift
  36. 焦面快门 focal-plane shutter
  37. 焦页岩 pyroshale
  38. 焦黄 sallow
  39. 焦黑 burned black
  40. broil
  41. 焮肿 swollen from inflammation
  42. scald
  43. flame
  44. 焰火 fireworks
  45. spark
  46. right
  47. 然则 in that case
  48. 然则如之何而可 Then,what is to be done?
  49. 然友 Ran You
  50. 然后 then

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