1. 煤气管线 gas-pipe line
  2. 煤气管网 gaspipe network
  3. 煤气管道 gas pipe
  4. 煤气罐 gas tank
  5. 煤气表 gasometer
  6. 煤气装置 gas fitting
  7. 煤气警报器 gas alarm valve
  8. 煤气阀 gas valve
  9. 煤油 kerosene
  10. 煤油灯 kerosene lamp burner
  11. 煤油灯闪了闪就灭了 With a flash,the kerosene la...
  12. 煤油炉 kerosene stove
  13. 煤泥 slush
  14. 煤渣 coal cinder
  15. 煤渣砖 clinker brick
  16. 煤渣筛 sifter
  17. 煤渣路 cinder road
  18. 煤港 coal harbour
  19. 煤火补助 heating allowance
  20. 煤灰 coom
  21. 煤炭 coal
  22. 煤炭回采率 coal recovery rate
  23. 煤炭基地 coal base
  24. 煤炭工业 coal industry
  25. 煤炭资源 coal resources
  26. 煤烟 smoke from burning coal soot
  27. 煤烟污染 smoke pollution
  28. 煤焦油 coal tar
  29. 煤球 eggette
  30. 煤田 coal field
  31. 煤田开发 coal field development
  32. 煤田构造 coalfield structure
  33. 煤田钻井 coal drilling
  34. 煤病 sooty mould
  35. 煤的用途何止那一些 The uses of coal are by no m...
  36. 煤矸石 gangue
  37. 煤矸石砖 colliery wastes brick
  38. 煤矿 coal mine
  39. 煤矿业 coal mining
  40. 煤矿事故 coal mining accident
  41. 煤矿企业 coal mine enterprise
  42. 煤矿安全 coal mine safety
  43. 煤矿工人 coal miner
  44. 煤矿床 coal deposit
  45. 煤矿开采 coal mining
  46. 煤矿挖掘机司机 grabman
  47. 煤矿测量 coal mine survey
  48. 煤矿边界 marches
  49. 煤码头 coal wharf
  50. 煤砖 briquet

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