1. 煤砟子 small pieces of coal
  2. 煤窑 coal pit
  3. 煤筛 screen
  4. 煤粉 buggy
  5. 煤粉燃烧器 coal burner
  6. 煤精 graphite
  7. 煤耗 coal consumption
  8. 煤车 jimmy
  9. 煤车挂牌 leller
  10. 煤铲 coal shovel
  11. 煤铲轮齿装置 shovel gear
  12. 煤饼 coal cake
  13. 煤驳船 henlaboat
  14. warm
  15. 煦伏之恩 the grace to warm and cover
  16. 煦煦为仁 assumption of benevolence
  17. 煦育万物 make all things grow by acti...
  18. illuminate
  19. 照个相 take a photo
  20. 照临 shine on
  21. 照事实讲 speak out according to the f...
  22. 照他的样子做 follow the good example of h...
  23. 照他的说法去做 Do as he says.
  24. 照价 according to the set price
  25. 照价付款 pay according to the arrange...
  26. 照价收买 buy according to the price f...
  27. 照价赔偿 compensate according to the ...
  28. 照会 present a note to note
  29. 照例 as a rule
  30. 照全身的镜子 a whole-length mirror
  31. 照准 aiming
  32. 照准仪 sight-rule
  33. 照准点 aiming point
  34. 照出 break forth
  35. 照前顾后 examine what is coming and r...
  36. 照办 act accordingly
  37. 照功行赏 decide on awards on basis of...
  38. 照南开 drive towards south
  39. 照发 issue as before
  40. 照口述写 write to dictation
  41. 照吩咐去办吧 Do as you are told.
  42. 照壁 a screen wall facing the gat...
  43. 照妖镜 monster-revealing mirror
  44. 照字面翻译 translate literally
  45. 照射 shining
  46. 照巴黎流行的样式裁衣服 pattern a dress on a Parisia...
  47. 照常 as usual
  48. 照常营业 Our business is carried on a...
  49. 照应 coordinate
  50. 照底稿誊一份 make a clean copy of the dra...

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