1. 照度 illuminance
  2. 照度分配图 isolux diagram
  3. 照度测定 illumination photometry
  4. 照度计 illuminometer
  5. 照影子 cast a shade or reflection
  6. 照成本卖 sell at cost
  7. 照我的估计 by my reckoning
  8. 照我看 It seems to me...
  9. 照抄 copy word for word
  10. 照抄原文 make a verbatim transcriptio...
  11. 照抄照搬 copy sth. by rote
  12. 照护 look after
  13. 照拂 look after
  14. 照排 phototypesetting
  15. 照排机 film setter
  16. 照搬 indiscriminately imitate
  17. 照搬别人的经验 copy the experience of other...
  18. 照料 take care of
  19. 照料商店 tend a store
  20. 照方配药 fill a prescription
  21. 照旧 as before
  22. 照明 lighting
  23. 照明信号 illumination sign
  24. 照明光源 lighting source
  25. 照明度 intensity of illumination
  26. 照明弹 illuminating projectile
  27. 照明火箭弹 light rocket
  28. 照明灯 headlamp
  29. 照明电路 lighting circuit
  30. 照明系统 illuminator
  31. 照明线路 illuminating line
  32. 照明装置 illuminator
  33. 照最近的报价出售 sell at the latest quotation
  34. 照本宣科 echo what the books say
  35. 照条约第三条办理 proceed by Article 3 of the ...
  36. 照样 after a pattern or model
  37. 照样仿造 model a thing after the same...
  38. 照样出售 sale by sample in the same o...
  39. 照样回敬 answer in kind
  40. 照此类推 draw analogous conclusions
  41. 照片 photograph
  42. 照片儿 photograph
  43. 照片显出了明晰的影象 The photograph showed a dist...
  44. 照猫画虎 draw a tiger with a cat as a...
  45. 照现在情形看 as the case stands
  46. 照直走 go straight ahead
  47. 照相 take a picture
  48. 照相凸版 photoeng raving
  49. 照相凸版术 photoengraving
  50. 照相凸版胶片 Rotargo

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