


  1. Il fait ses 閠udes secondaires au IDHEC which he joined in 1955.
  2. Le 5 mai, il d閏lare aux sections parisiennes que des assembl閑s secondaires ne peuvent exister sous le gouvernement r関olutionnaire.
  3. The single was released in various formats providing a new song, " Effets secondaires ", as well as two remixes produced by Perky Park.
  4. After leaving school at the age of 18, Jean Asselborn obtained a " dipl鬽e de fin d 閠udes secondaires " from the Ath閚閑 de Luxembourg in 1976.
  5. He published his first novel, " Les R閟idences secondaires ou la Vie distraite " ( " Second Homes or Distracted Life " ), at the age of 22.
  6. It's difficult to find secondaires in a sentence. 用secondaires造句挺难的
  7. 2-231 K 8 preserved by the " F閐閞ation des Amis des Chemins de Fer Secondaires " and kept in working order by the organisation " MFPN ", seen in 2005
  8. In Nice she studied at the Lyc閑, managed to pass the " Certificat d'Etudes Secondaires ", but did not even try to pass the " Baccalaur閍t ".
  9. "?cette 閜oque, j'ai commenc??jouer des r鬺es secondaires dans le th殁tre tunisien, mais la situation du th殁tre et mes confrontations continues avec les responsables n'閠aient pas encourageantes.
  10. Finally, a final examination is set in the final year of Upper Secondary known as the Diploma for the End of Secondary Study ( " Dipl鬽e de Fin d'蓆udes Secondaires " ).
  11. Il a poursuivi ses 閠udes secondaires au CEG ( " Coll鑗e d'Enseignement G閚閞al " ) d'Antsohihy et au lyc閑 publique d'Antsohihy, jusqu'il a obtenu son dipl鬽e de Biotechnologie.
  12. In recent years the traditional " mas " of Provence and Catalonia have become much sought after and transformed into expensive homes and vacation homes ( " r閟idences secondaires " in France, or " cases de turisme rural " in Catalonia ).


  1. "seconda categoria"造句
  2. "seconda donna"造句
  3. "seconda pratica"造句
  4. "seconda prattica"造句
  5. "secondaire"造句
  6. "secondar"造句
  7. "secondari"造句
  8. "secondaries"造句
  9. "secondarily"造句
  10. "secondarly"造句

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