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  • In any of the burial - places of this city through which i pass , is there a sleeper more inscrutable than it busy inhabitants are , in their innermost personality , to me or than i am to them
  • Ren , a 27 - year - old public relations manager , is among a growing number of chinese people who are finding it increasingly difficult to find the time to read each day because of their busy schedules
  • And so we went for the snakes , and grabbed a couple of dozen garters and house - snakes , and put them in a bag , and put it in our room , and by that time it was suppertime , and a rattling good honest day s work : and hungry
  • If he heard or talked of trivialities , or read or was told of some instance of human baseness or folly , he was not cast down as of old ; he did not ask himself why people troubled , when all was so brief and uncertain
  • There was a great deal going on that morning , and many business - like persons at the palais ; business - like persons pay very little attention to women , and madame danglars crossed the hall without exciting any more attention than any other woman calling upon her lawyer
  • I have discovered , as perhaps kelsey will after her much - publicized resignation from the editorship of she after a build - up of stress , that abandoning the doctrine of “ juggling your life ” , and making the alternative move into “ downshifting ” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status
    我已经发现(由于压力过大,凯茜已多次公开宣称要辞去《女性》杂志编辑的职务,在这之后她也许会有同样发现) ,放弃“忙忙碌碌”的生活哲学,转而过一种“放慢生活节奏”的生活所带来的回报,比金钱和社会地位更有价值。
  • He could not decline the post , or rather the title for he did nothing that prince vassily had obtained for him , and acquaintances , invitations , and social duties were so numerous that pierre was even more than in moscow conscious of the feeling of stupefaction , hurry and continued expectation of some future good which was always coming and was never realised
  • The deafening sound of his own guns on all sides , the hiss and thud of the enemys shells , the sight of the perspiring , flushed gunners hurrying about the cannons , the sight of the blood of men and horses , and of the puffs of smoke from the enemy on the opposite side always followed by a cannon - ball that flew across and hit the earth , a man , a horse , or a cannon all these images made up for him a fantastic world of his own , in which he found enjoyment at the moment
  • I have discovered , as perhaps kelsey will after her much - publicized resignation from the editorshipqofushe after a build - up of stress , that abandoning the doctrine of " juggling your life " , and making the alternative move into “ downshifting ” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status
    我已经发现(由于压力过大,凯茜已多次公开宣称要辞去《她》杂志编辑的职务,在这之后她也许会有同样发现) ,放弃“忙忙碌碌”的生活哲学,转而过一种“放慢生活节奏”的生活所带来的? 658603247报,比经济成功和社会地位更有价值。
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