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  • His wife , the second defendant , ms choy hong - kiu , aged 50 , pleaded guilty to five charges of wilfully with intent to evade tax by making use of fraud , art or contrivance to understate the rental income of the property for the years of assessment from 1995 96 to 1999 2000 , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance
    次被告蔡香娇为首被告的妻子,五十岁,承认五项蓄意意图逃税罪行,即以欺骗手段诡计或手段少报该物业在1995 96至1999 2000五个课税年度的租金收入,触犯税务条例第82 1 g条。
  • These characteristics therefore , make it have wide application prospect . as a part of the crt simulator control system of a dcs power plant , this paper constructs the model of the real control section by using block - structure method and finishes the contrivance of the coordinated control system ( ccs ) , the digital electro - hydraulic control . system ( deh ) and the control system of boiler and turbine
  • His wife , the second defendant , ms choy hong - kiu , aged 50 , pleaded guilty to five charges of wilfully with intent to evade tax by making use of fraud , art or contrivance to understate the rental income of the property for the years of assessment from 199596 to 19992000 , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( g ) of the inland revenue ordinance
    次被告蔡香娇为首被告的妻子,五十岁,承认五项蓄意意图逃税罪行,即以欺骗手段、诡计或手段少报该物业在199596至19992000五个课税年度的租金收入,触犯《税务条例》第82 ( 1 ) ( g )条。
  • I had never handled a tool in my life , and yet in time by labour , application , and contrivance , i found at last that i wanted nothing but i could have made it , especially if i had had tools ; however i made abundance of things , even without tools , and some with no more tools than an adze and a hatchet , which perhaps were never made that way before , and that with infinite labour : for example , if i wanted a board , i had no other way but to cut down a tree , set it on an edge before me , and hew it flat on either side with my axe , till i had brought it to be thin as a plank , and then dubb it smooth with my adze
  • Viewed in their totality , the buddha ' s discourses show us that far from being a mere concession to the outlook prevalent in his time or an asiatic cultural contrivance , the doctrine of rebirth has tremendous implications for the entire course of dhamma practice , affecting both the aim with which the practice is taken up and the motivation with which it is followed through to completion
  • The defendant , chang kin - man , ivan , was prosecuted on 5 counts of wilfully with intent assisting other person to evade tax viz . , 2 counts by omitting proceeds of sales from the profits tax returns of a company , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( a ) of the inland revenue ordinance , and 3 counts by making use of fraud , art or contrivance , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( g ) of the inland revenue ordinance
    被告张建文,被控五项蓄意意图协助他人逃税罪行,包括两项在一间公司的报税表内漏报销售收入,触犯《税务条例》第82 ( 1 ) ( a )条,以及三项使用欺骗手段、诡计或手段以协助该公司逃税,触犯《税务条例》第82 ( 1 ) ( g )条。
  • The money was then shared between the defendant and another director , who was also a shareholder , of the company . as a result of using such fraud , art or contrivance , the assessable profits of the company had been understated in the amounts of 796 , 027 , 2 , 787 , 472 and 2 , 665 , 133 for the years of assessment 1994 95 , 1995 96 and 1996 97 respectively . the total profits tax undercharged was over 1 million
    透过使用这些欺骗手段或诡计,甘棠记工程塑胶有限公司在其1994 95 1995 96及1996 97课税年度的报税表内短报了应课税溢利,分别为796 , 027元2 , 787 , 472元及2 , 665 , 133元,所涉及逃缴的利得税超过一百万元。
  • Her younger sister , the second defendant , ms tsang kit - ching , aged 49 , had been charged with wilfully with intent to evade tax by making use of fraud , art or contrivance to understate the rental income of the premises for the five years of assessment from 1995 96 to 1999 2000 , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance
    次被告曾洁贞为首被告的妹妹,四十九岁,被控五项蓄意意图逃税罪行,以欺骗手段诡计或手段少报该物业在1995 96至1999 2000五个课税年度的租金收入,触犯税务条例第82 1 g条。
  • Chan tse - lap , 76 , pleaded guilty to two charges of wilfully , with intent , assisting his wife to evade profits tax by making use of , or authorising the use of fraud , art or contrivance , by inflating the amounts of purchases for the two years of assessment 1994 95 and 1995 96 , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance
    陈自立, 76岁,承认两项蓄意意图逃缴利得税罪行,即在1994 95和1995 96两个课税年度内,使用或授权使用欺骗手段诡计或手段,协助其太太夸大购货金额,触犯税务条例第82 1 g条。
  • My first contrivance was to make a pretence to speak to this moor , to get something for our subsistance on board ; for i told him we must not presume to eat of our patroon s bread , he said that was true ; so he brought a large basket of rusk or bisket of their kind , and three jarrs with fresh water into the boat ; i knew where my patroon s case of bottles stood , which it was evident by the make were taken out of some english prize ; and i convey d them into the boat while the moor was on shoar , as if they had been there before , for our master : i convey d also a great lump of bees - wax into the boat , which weighed above half a hundred weight , with a parcel of twine or thread , a hatchet , a saw and a hammer , all which were of great use to us afterwards ; especially the wax to make candles
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