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  • They first passed through the black town , with its narrow streets , its miserable , dirty huts , and squalid population ; then through the european town , which presented a relief in its bright brick mansions , shaded by coconut - trees and bristling with masts , where , although it was early morning , elegantly dressed horsemen and handsome equipages were passing back and forth
    这些屋子里聚居着很多衣衫褴楼肮脏不堪的“流浪汉” ,接着马车又穿过“欧洲区” ,这里到处是砖瓦结构的住宅,密茂成荫的椰子树和高大的杉树,使人大有清心悦目之感。虽然还是清晨,可是,威武的骑兵和华丽的马车早已在街头奔驰了。
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