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  • Although judicial practice also can remedy environmental tort from right of the person and right of property at present , it make the original legal system contused , make common person ' s illusion , distort the environmental right , make it not to further progress , they are not benefit for strengthening our country ' s legal system and realizing society rule by law
  • About the case scope of civil suit collateral to criminal litigation , the current law and judicial interpretations has summarized that to the criminal case , it is defined as the guilt of violating personal rights or destroying property ; to the civil damage , and are not beneficial loss but not spiritual loss
  • The issue of student injury incidents has been the concern of the schools , the academics and the society . there are many controversies around the issue of student injury incidents . in the legal practice , different policies and principles have been applied on solving the civil cases of student injury
  • The writer considers that establishing the unification rule currently is not only the requirement of the fact , but also having the stable foundations and conditions . the third chapter of the article uses the rule of unification between the army and the local place as a tool of research , starting with the status in quo , taking the basic requirements of the rule as a standard judgment , find out the shortage of the military criminal law . the shortages are analyzed separately from the aspects of military criminal material law , military criminal procedure law and judicatory system
    在本文的第三章,笔者以军地法治相统一原则为研究工具,进而从军事刑事法的现状入手,以原则的基本要求为评判标准,找出军事刑事法存在的不足:一、静态层面: (一)军事刑事实体法方面:一是军事刑法及其附属性罚则的部分内容欠缺规范;二是军事刑法中的危害国防利益罪对于普通公民的规定过于严密;三是军事刑法中的军人违反职责罪对于严重危害军人人身权益和人格尊严的不法行为缺乏相应的规范。
  • Environmental right is a right which is different from the traditional civil rights , that is , it distinguishes right of property , right of the person and the new and developing civil right - - intellectual property right . after detailed introducing the difference and general characters in continental genealogy of law and anglo - american genealogy of law , this paper tries to explain and discuss the environmental right from motionless and developments , and advocate that this right should belong to the system of civil rights , become the forth civil right , the same to right of property , right of the person and intellectual property right . because the question what environmental rights inherent character is , does n ' t to be solved , punishing environmental tort does n ' t go on
    环境权是一种与传统意义上的民事权利不同的权利,即它不同于财产权,也不同于人身权,更不同于新兴的民事权利? ?知识产权。本文在详细介绍环境权在两大法系中的区别和共性之后,力图从静态、动态两个角度阐述,论证环境权,并主张将其列入民事权利体系,成为第四种民事权利,与财产权、人身权、知识产权并驾齐驱。
  • The behavior of breach of duty , which should be one of the elements of the prerequisite , mainly comprises of the following forms : the breach of the contractual duties , such as the duty of answering of inquiry , the duty of diagnosis , the duty of explanation and the duty of treatment , and the breach of legal duties , such as the breach of the duty of esteeming the patients " personal or property rights , and the breach of complying with the laws , regulations or orders
  • I avail myself of the traditional self - defence theory to analyze the act of taking measures before the possible infringement , and i think part of the above acts belong to the traditional self - defence while others belong to offense against public security or infringement upon personal rights
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