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accommodate 同义词

  1. adapt
    英文释义: 动词 make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country"

  1. reconcile, conciliate
    英文释义: 动词 make (one thing) compatible with (another); "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories"

  1. oblige
    英文释义: 动词 provide a service or favor for someone; "We had to oblige him"

  1. lodge
    英文释义: 动词 provide housing for; "We are lodging three foreign students this semester"

  1. suit, fit
    英文释义: 动词 be agreeable or acceptable to; "This suits my needs"

  1. hold, admit
    英文释义: 动词 have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people"; "The auditorium can''t hold more than 500 people"


  • accommodate 英文释义:make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country"
  • accommodate 中文翻译vt.1.适应,顺应,调节;迁就,迎合。2.劝息,调停,调解,排解。3.供应,供给,通融,借给,贷。4.留宿;收容(病人),装载(乘客);照应,招待。短语和例子
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