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butterfly 同义词

  1. butterfly stroke
    英文释义: 名词 a swimming stroke in which the arms are thrown forward together out of the water while the feet kick up and down

  1. chat up, flirt, dally, coquet, coquette, romance, philander, mash
    英文释义: 动词 talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"


  • butterfly 英文释义:a swimming stroke in which the arms are thrown forward together out of the water while the feet kick up and down
  • butterfly 中文翻译n.1.蝴蝶;蝶式,蝶形。2.〔比喻〕举止轻浮的人〔尤指轻浮的妇女〕;游手好闲的人。3.【机械工程】蝶形阀;活动目标探测器;【雕刻】X形支柱。4.(可收起放小的)折板桌。5.〔pl.〕(由紧张等情绪引起的)欲呕的感觉。短语和例子vt.(-flied) 【烹】(把鱼肉等)切开摊平。 a butterflied shrimp [steak]. 切开摊平的烹虾[牛排]。 break a butterfly on the wheel 杀鸡用牛刀,小题大作。 butterflies in the stomach 颤糖,害怕得发抖。
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