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  • The porcupine is larger than a pig .
  • The pectinate quills of the porcupine are barbed
  • What ' s this one the porcupine ? oh oh
  • The hunter seized a porcupine
  • Solomon , one of david ' s sons , had 300 wives and 700 porcupines
  • Here . - morkubine porcupine
  • The 59 victims so far include an elephant , dromedaries , monkeys and porcupines
  • Susan really did a number on her hair . it looks like an orange porcupine is lying on her head
  • Whenever there ' s prickly situation , this dandruff - laden porcupine is sure to be far , far away
  • Barking deer , squirrels , chinese porcupines , chinese pangolins and mongooses may still be seen in some remote areas
    黄? ,松鼠,箭猪,穿山甲及红颊?等仍然可以在部份偏僻的山林内见到它们的踪影。
  • It's difficult to see porcupine in a sentence. 用porcupine造句挺难的
  • The latest victims have been the porcupines . in all , 36 were killed , of which six were ready to be donated to another zoo
  • Other mammals like barking deer , leopard cats , chinese porcupines , small indian civets , wild boar and bats are quite common in the countryside
  • It was while he was making a stew , that evening , with the last of the porcupine , that his sick friend rose , crept to his place at the table and there died
  • " there are codes for everything , " she told her sister . " a marble in the nose , getting stuck with a porcupine quill , being run over by a train .
    试译: “一切事物皆有编码, ”她对她妹妹说. “譬如位于飞机前端的那块大理石,可曾经被豪猪的刚毛扎过,又被火车碾过呢. ”
  • The avian activity also changes the chemical " flavor " of the trees by boosting terpenes ? chemicals found to repel tree - eating pests such as bark beetles as well as porcupines and squirrels
  • We will investigate seven enigmatic creatures ? the serval , aardvark , pangolin , genet , african wildcat , civet and porcupine ? as they furtively go about their top - secret activities
    金庸小说中有江南七怪,非洲狩猎册上一样有七怪, ?们是难得一见的非洲动物土豚、穿山甲、 ? 、非洲豹、麝猫、豪猪、薮猫,有些可能连名字也鲜有听闻。
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