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  • I quickly formed a great respect and admiration for his soldierly qualities .
  • The pleasure of the world is to bowl down our soldierly letter i .
  • So far as he had changed at all, he was less soldierly now than when he arrived from his octu .
  • It makes me look quite soldierly though
  • The pleasure of the world is to bowl down our soldierly letter i
    世界的乐趣就在于打倒我们象军人那样笔挺的字母“ i ” 。
  • He loves to work to the sound of opera and turns the kitchen staff into a living choir - - in contrast with kate ' s soldierly rules
  • At one moment he was excusing himself for having been taken prisoner , at the next , imagining himself before his superior officers , he was trying to prove his soldierly discipline and zeal for the service
  • Been under fire already ? asked boris . without answering , rostov , in soldierly fashion , shook the cross of st . george that hung on the cording of his uniform , and pointing to his arm in a sling , he glanced at berg
  • Jerking out the last words in soldierly fashion and waving his arms , as though he were flinging something on the ground , the drummer , a lean , handsome soldier of forty , looked sternly at the soldier - chorus and frowned
  • Henry and frederick lynn are very dashing sparks indeed ; and colonel dent is a fine soldierly man . mr . eshton , the magistrate of the district , is gentleman - like : his hair is quite white , his eyebrows and whiskers still dark , which gives him something of the appearance of a pere noble de theatre
    林恩确实精神抖擞,生气勃勃登特上校一身英武之气地方法官埃希顿先生一付绅士派头,头发相当白,眉毛和络腮胡子却依然乌黑,使他有几分像perenobledetheatre ” 。
  • It's difficult to see soldierly in a sentence. 用soldierly造句挺难的
  • When he came into the room and saw the hussar with his soldierly swagger describing his warlike exploits prince andrey could not endure the kind of men who are fond of doing so , he smiled cordially to boris , but frowned and dropped his eyelids as he turned to rostov with a slight bow . wearily and languidly he sat down on the sofa , regretting that he had dropped into such undesirable society
  • Left left left he seemed to be inwardly repeating at each alternate step . and the wall of soldierly figures , weighed down by their knapsacks and guns , with their faces all grave in different ways , moved by in the same rhythm , as though each of the hundreds of soldiers were repeating mentally at each alternate step , left left left a stout major skirted a bush on the road , puffing and shifting his step
    他每隔一步心里似乎在说: “左左左, ”密密麻麻的士兵的脸上流露着各种不同的严肃的神态,他们都合着这个节拍前进,背囊和枪支的重荷使他们感到不方便,就好像这几百士兵中的每个人每隔一步心里就会说: “左左左”肥胖的少校,喘着粗气,走乱了脚步,从大路上的一棵灌木旁边绕过去。
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