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  • acg汉化组    ACG汉化组是汉化PSP,WII,NDS游戏上的汉化组;是由原PGCG和巴士汉化组成员合并后的汉化组。 2009年8月因为受不了太多的指责和谩骂,迫于压力以及自身学业,一度宣布与ACFUN断交,从ACFUN消失,但仍在ACFUN贴吧出没,2010年2月在ZYH和超氪金月饼的鼓励与支持下参加ACFUN春晚,但后又因ACFUN春晚事件而再度陷入尴尬境地,于2010年5月左右做完...
  • acg    Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology and The ACG Case Reports Journal. The Belgian ACG-1 and the AMC 35 had different turrets. ACG ) that track the space include Adtran, Tejas and F...
  • acg世界    本月上旬,ACG时代相关新闻发言人证实将推ACG世界的消息。 在ACG世界中,“学生会”通常是一种较为常见的背景设定。 在ACG世界中,“四次元”这一说法,指代某些从空间角度来说十分不可思议的现象。 崇拜孟?的人却说:孟?是动漫世界的至高君王,指引着ACG世界的前进方向,是狂潮是火焰! ”目前,ACG世界提供了博客、相册、收藏、投票、好友动态等应用,具备了普通...
  • acg classix    The early 1940s Shadow newspaper daily strip was reprinted by ACG Classix imprint. Broughton at first concentrated on syndicating material worldwide, while publishing a few comics titles i...
  • acg international school vietnam    The Australian International School and ACG International School Vietnam merged in July 2013 to become the Australian International School. From 1 July 2013, ACG International School Vietn...
  • acg new zealand international college    Private secondary schools within the CBD include ACG New Zealand International College, ACG Senior College, and Auckland International College. A recent group of private schools run as a b...
  • acg norton college    "' ACG Norton College "'is a private school, owned by the Academic Colleges Group in New Zealand and having been first registered as a PTE in 2003. ACG Norton College delivers the AUT Cert...
  • acg parnell college    ACG Parnell College ( formerly ACG Junior College ) was founded in 1998 and originally provided education for students in Years 7 to 10. A recent group of private schools run as a business...
  • acg school jakarta    "' ACG School Jakarta "'is an independent co-educational international school in South Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • acg senior college    Private secondary schools within the CBD include ACG New Zealand International College, ACG Senior College, and Auckland International College. A recent group of private schools run as a b...
  • acg strathallan    He is currently the coach of the Boy's 1st XI at ACG Strathallan in Karaka, South Auckland Its facility provides education through the ACG Strathallan Preschool Centre ( for children aged ...
  • acg sunderland school and college    ACG Sunderland School and College is a private school with a decile rating of 9 and a roll of around 220.
  • acg tauranga    "' ACG Tauranga "'is a private coeducational day and boarding composite located on the outskirts of Tauranga, New Zealand. ACG Tauranga, the city's first fully private school, is set to op...
  • acg worldwide    "' ACG Worldwide "'is a pharmaceutical company with headquarters in Mumbai, India.
  • acg界    平凡的男主人公,ACG界4大渣之一。 ACG界中低位举足轻重无人不晓。 ,为ACG界著名作曲队伍Elements Garden的成员。 ,把有才华的漫画家挤出ACG界。 堀部秀郎,日本ACG界著名画师。 崛部秀郎,日本ACG界著名画师。 」这词最多的,就是ACG界了。 性用语,而ACG界普遍坚持御宅族的原意。 ACG界用语,元气指精神、有活力的...
  • acg综合症    ACG综合症几乎都是御宅族。
  • l-acg    Left atria - cardiogram abbr . l - acg L - acg left atria - cardiogram
  • r-acg    R - acg right - apexcardiongram
  • 光见守acg论坛    光见守ACG论坛成立于2010年6月29日。
  • cg汉化组    本作现已由CG汉化组完全汉化,可到PSP相关网站论坛找到。 的繁体版译名为《撼天神塔4》,因而国内CG汉化组在汉化PSP版游戏《Brandish:The Dark Revenant》时,借用了“撼天神塔”这一翻译,将此款游戏译名为《撼天神塔:黑暗回归》。 感谢大家每个人看完这篇文字,告诉每一个曾经支持我们的玩家,虽然寥寥几句,难挡心中之情,以后再出现的CG汉化组将于原CG汉...
  • ft汉化组    FT汉化组:FT全称为FAIRY TAIL,中文意思为:妖精的尾巴。
  • 喵喵汉化组    喵喵汉化组(以下简称喵组),英文写作MEOW Team。
  • 小黑屋汉化组    小黑屋汉化组建立于2009年4月13日。
  • 民工汉化组    民工汉化组(Minkun Translators),最初由Bison个人汉化因缺少人手,Bison在虚脱之际招募成员而成,汉化作品第一期为《名侦探柯南》FILE676解锭(2008.12.24发布),主要汉化作品为《名侦探柯南》。
  • 汉化组    小黑屋汉化组建立于2009年4月13日。 在中国有许多的汉化组为其汉化。 请各位提交BUG以便汉化组及时修复。 3,SD敢达贴吧韩服资料汉化组织的成立。 此游戏有汉化版,由CG(CNGBA)汉化组汉化。 3.热情汉化组团长、热情领域论坛斑竹JOJO。 汉化组出品2话,《周刊少年SUNDAY》月刊连载。 蘑菇汉化组汉化中。 这个名字并不是某个汉化组‘翻译’过来的。 E.Win...

如何用acg汉化组造句,用acg漢化組造句acg汉化组 in a sentence, 用acg漢化組造句和acg汉化组的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。