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  • cg汉化组    本作现已由CG汉化组完全汉化,可到PSP相关网站论坛找到。 的繁体版译名为《撼天神塔4》,因而国内CG汉化组在汉化PSP版游戏《Brandish:The Dark Revenant》时,借用了“撼天神塔”这一翻译,将此款游戏译名为《撼天神塔:黑暗回归》。 感谢大家每个人看完这篇文字,告诉每一个曾经支持我们的玩家,虽然寥寥几句,难挡心中之情,以后再出现的CG汉化组将于原CG汉...
  • acg汉化组    ACG汉化组是汉化PSP,WII,NDS游戏上的汉化组;是由原PGCG和巴士汉化组成员合并后的汉化组。 2009年8月因为受不了太多的指责和谩骂,迫于压力以及自身学业,一度宣布与ACFUN断交,从ACFUN消失,但仍在ACFUN贴吧出没,2010年2月在ZYH和超氪金月饼的鼓励与支持下参加ACFUN春晚,但后又因ACFUN春晚事件而再度陷入尴尬境地,于2010年5月左右做完...
  • ft汉化组    FT汉化组:FT全称为FAIRY TAIL,中文意思为:妖精的尾巴。
  • 喵喵汉化组    喵喵汉化组(以下简称喵组),英文写作MEOW Team。
  • 小黑屋汉化组    小黑屋汉化组建立于2009年4月13日。
  • 民工汉化组    民工汉化组(Minkun Translators),最初由Bison个人汉化因缺少人手,Bison在虚脱之际招募成员而成,汉化作品第一期为《名侦探柯南》FILE676解锭(2008.12.24发布),主要汉化作品为《名侦探柯南》。
  • 汉化组    小黑屋汉化组建立于2009年4月13日。 在中国有许多的汉化组为其汉化。 请各位提交BUG以便汉化组及时修复。 3,SD敢达贴吧韩服资料汉化组织的成立。 此游戏有汉化版,由CG(CNGBA)汉化组汉化。 3.热情汉化组团长、热情领域论坛斑竹JOJO。 汉化组出品2话,《周刊少年SUNDAY》月刊连载。 蘑菇汉化组汉化中。 这个名字并不是某个汉化组‘翻译’过来的。 E.Win...
  • 漫狩汉化组    没想到这个提议过后,漫狩汉化组真的成立了,并且经过一年的沉沉浮浮,已经为大家所知。 以com,haro为核心,脑残,talky,yuki,琳澜等等辅助的漫狩汉化组管理层也在不断地讨论,不断地革新汉化组的技术,旨在为大家献上更多精彩的作品,更多美好的未来。
  • 热情汉化组    3.热情汉化组团长、热情领域论坛斑竹JOJO。 热情汉化组就是在这样的“危急关头”,在互联网上应运而生了。 如今,既不精通日语,也不是专业学习网络知识的JOJO通过5年的努力,把热情汉化组管理得有声有色。 这正是这位喜欢用省略号表达自我看法,正在为身体和工作烦恼的26岁北京男孩对热情汉化组的信心与动力。 他拒绝刊登自己的个人照片,理...
  • 绝影汉化组    绝影汉化组是由一群喜爱和熟悉单机游戏的玩家们自发组建的一个民间汉化组织。
  • aft cg condition    An aft CG condition can be recognized by the pilot when coming to a hover following a vertical takeoff.
  • center of gravity (cg)    The taildragger arrangement consists of two main gear units located near the center of gravity ( cg ) that support the majority of the plane ' s weight
  • cg    My analogy is that Gollum is more than a CG character. You can guess the rest; actually, you probably cg. Referee : Mohamed Guezzaz, Morocco . ( cg-nk) The FG is interposed between the CG ...
  • cg搜索    CG搜索不会因此而满足,技术的创新永无止境。 CG搜索每天响应来自23个省超过数千万次的搜索请求。 同时,用户不必访问CG搜索主页,也可以搜索信息。 公司创始人王海孟风险投资,在大学期间,创建了CG搜索公司。 “CG搜索”已经成为了计算机图形图像用户进行搜索的“时尚词”。 CG搜索还为各类计算机图形图像企业提供软件、竞价排名以及关联广告服务。 CG搜索,创立于...
  • cg algorithm    In chapter 3 , i analyze this algorithm and draw a conclusion its condition number is lower than cg algorithm ' s Theebe - cg algorithm does not require construction of the global matrix ....
  • cg animation    Not the CG animation of today, just traditional drawn cartooning. The first console version was released for the CG animation, and all the graphics were redrawn. It is the first CG animati...
  • cg artist    The CG artist Tatsuya Kosaka ( KonKon ) was in charge of the modeling work. Surprisingly enough, this chaotic practical water ballet was relatively easy for the CG artists to match. He sta...
  • cg artwork    High poly sculpts are also extensively used in CG artwork for prototyping in 3D printing. The first is a feature that allows the player to view twenty images of CG artwork observed in the ...
  • cg coast guard    Cg coast guard
  • cg coefficient    It follows from this and orthonormality of the spherical harmonics that CG coefficients are in fact the expansion coefficients of a product of two spherical harmonics in terms a single sph...
  • cg coefficients    It follows from this and orthonormality of the spherical harmonics that CG coefficients are in fact the expansion coefficients of a product of two spherical harmonics in terms a single sph...
  • cg computer graphics    Cg computer graphics Cg computer graphics
  • cg condition    An aft CG condition can be recognized by the pilot when coming to a hover following a vertical takeoff.
  • cg content    There was a striking correlation between gene density and a high CG content. CG content can be live simulator output, such as from planetarium simulation software, or prerecorded fulldome ...
  • cg films    They also announced that CyberConnect2's team " sai " is the production force for the CG film. And the first-ever Oscar for feature animation went to a CG film, " Shrek ." Kerner explained...

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