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音标:[ yībùdēngtiān ]  发音:  


  • reach the sky in a single bound -- attain the highest level in one step; a sudden rise in life; be down overnight; have a meteoric rise; reach heavens at a single bound


  • He will go straight to heaven .
  • Rarely is progress made in giant leaps
  • Be disciplined . there ' s no easy way to learn a second language
  • I certainly don ' t ecpect to stard my career at the top , but i ' m looking for opportunities
  • Also , your application does not have to implement its target strategy step by step nor in one leap
  • Mr smith wanted to speak to the real manager . he wasn ' t going to be satisfied with some bumped - up cashier
  • In some cases they are too idealistic , seeking relationships that are hardly possible . they should be wary of impractical forms of cultism or strange religious beliefs
  • Out of our drive to produce the greatest results in the shortest period of time , most of us create an improper balance between health and fitness , and suffer the consequences
  • If , however , your project contains dozens , hundreds , or even thousands of tasks , then trying to accomplish everything in your project all at once would be like trying to jump to the top of a tall tower in a single bound ( crash ! )
    但如果项目中包含有数十、数百、甚至数千个任务,那么试图立即完成项目中所有的事情就像一步登天(其结果只能是摔得粉身碎骨) 。
  • Therefore / obviously / no doubt / clearly , to . . . is not a ( n ) goal / aim to achieve in one step / move / go ( 或 is no easy job / task ) , and to achieve in one stp / move / go ( 或 is no easy job / task ) , and it requires / involves / entails special / proper / all possible means / efforts / measures / remedies
    译文:因此/显然/毫无疑问/很显然, … …不可能一蹴而就/一步登天(绝不是一项简单的工作/任务) ,这要求/需要特殊的/适当的/所有可能方式/努力/措施/补救办法。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 一步登天的泰文
  • 一步登天的法语:parvenir à un niveau élevé(à une haute position sociale);monter en flèche dans sa carrière
  • 一步登天的日语:〈成〉一足飛びに最も高い水準に達すること.いきなり出世すること.
  • 一步登天的韩语:【성어】 벼락출세하다. 半年不见他忽然一步登天抖dǒu起来了; 반년이나 보이지 않더니, 그는 갑자기 출세해서 거들먹거렸다
  • 一步登天的俄语:[yībù dēngtiān] обр. сделать головокружительную карьеру
  • 一步登天什么意思:yī bù dēng tiān 【解释】比喻一下子就达到很高的境界或程度。有时也用来比喻人突然得志,爬上高位。 【出处】清·徐珂《清稗类钞·三十四》:“巡检作巡抚,一步登天,监生当监临,斯文扫地。” 【示例】知识要通过学习逐渐积累,想~是不可能的。 【拼音码】ybdt 【灯谜面】大茶壶升老板;包脚布当孝帽;王八拜玉皇;坐直升飞最大的跨步;孙大圣翻跟斗 【用法】偏正式;作谓语;含贬义 【英...
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