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音标:[ bùqiúshènjiě ]  发音:  


  • read without thorough understanding; not seek deep understanding; apprehend ... without comprehending; be content with superfical understanding; be satisfied [content] with a smattering of knowledge; contented with but little understanding of ...; implore no explanation in detail; make no effort to understand the real meaning; not go deep into sth.; not seeking to understand things thoroughly; not to aim at a thorough understanding of; seek no more than [merely] a superficial [vague; slim; skin-deep] understanding; superficial


  • I think it useless read without under stand
  • Try to imitate very pronunciation and intonation , every word and sentence from the rough to the subtle with a natural attitude
  • Try to imitate very pronunciation and intonation , every word and sentence from the rough to the subtle with a natural attitude
    应该尽力模仿电驴安装每个音调和语调,每个字词和句子,从粗到细地模仿和吸收征途小秘3 . 27要抱着一种不求甚解、顺其自然的态度才好。


  • 不求甚解的泰文
  • 不求甚解的法语:refuser d'aller au fond des choses;ne pas se donner la peine d'approfondir la chose;se contenter de comprendre aux trois quarts;ne pas chercher à approfondir
  • 不求甚解的日语:〈成〉(大意をつかむだけで)徹底的に理解しようとはしない. 读书不应该不求甚解/本を読むときは,通り一遍の読み方をすべきではない.
  • 不求甚解的韩语:【성어】 (1)깊이 파고들지 않다. 学习需要耐心细致, 不能不求甚解, 马虎从事; 공부는 꾸준히 꼼꼼하게 하여야 하며, 깊이 파고들지 않고 건성으로 해서는 안 된다 (2)(관찰·지식 등이) 천박하다. 피상적이다.
  • 不求甚解的俄语:[bùqiú shènjiě] не вникать в суть дела; не добиваться полной ясности
  • 不求甚解什么意思:bù qiú shèn jiě 【解释】只求知道个大概,不求彻底了解。常指学习或研究不认真、不深入。 【出处】晋·陶潜《五柳先生传》:“不慕利,好读书,不求甚解,每有会意,欣然忘食。” 【示例】学习科学文化知识要刻苦钻研,深入领会,不能粗枝大叶,~。 【拼音码】bqsj 【灯谜面】约会;囫囵吞枣 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义,指人学习不深入 【英文】do not seek ...
不求甚解的英文翻译,不求甚解英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译不求甚解,不求甚解的英文意思,不求甚解的英文不求甚解 meaning in English不求甚解的英文不求甚解怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。