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音标:[ bīnglínchéngxià ]  发音:  


  • the enemy approached the walls.; the attacking army has reached the city gates.; the city is besieged by enemy troops.; the city is under siege.; the enemies have reached the wall.; the enemy is at the city gates


  • And 1995 games - 4455 miniclip games
    兵临城下小游戏- 4399小游戏
  • China should take advantage of today ' s opportunity rather than being forced into change at a much less convenient time
  • Magneto ' s got an army out there . you gotta war , you might not come home . she might not come home , you ready for that
  • Lord godric ! lady isabel ! scouts report a small army of demons headed to dunmoor - no more than a few days ` march
    哥德里克领主!伊莎贝尔夫人!巡逻兵报告一小股魔军正朝邓木尔进发? ?不出几日他们便会兵临城下
  • In the story part , the honoured guests mainly introduced their works of nearby and their experiences in the national final contest
  • He started acting with the national youth music theatre at the age of 12 , and at 17 he dropped out of school completely , to star in a granada daytime tv soap called " families " 1990 . in 1992 , jude began his stage career . he starred in many plays throughout london , and was nominated for the olivier award of " outstanding newcomer .
    从王尔德和他的情人" wilde "午夜善恶园" midnight in the garden of good and evil "天才里普利" the talented mr . ripley "到兵临城下" enemy at the gates " ,裘德-洛在银幕上成功地刻划了一个个让人着迷的角色,其中有颓废而扭曲的同性恋多情而缠绵的纨绔美少年沉着而冷酷的狙击手等一系列阴暗而充满魅力的角色。
  • Then , sheceremoniously , the host invited the honoured guests of tonight : brother huang fupeng , the captain of the ambitious team and the ex - president of the ustc of the south china university of technology and brother chai yangyang , the software item engineer of the ambitious team and the core member of the ustc of the south china university of technology
    接着她隆重请出了今晚到场的嘉宾: “兵临城下”队队长兼华工微软俱乐部前任主席黄福鹏师兄, “兵临城下”队项目软件工程师兼微软俱乐部核心会员柴阳阳师兄。
  • Then , sheceremoniously , the host invited the honoured guests : brother huang fupeng , the captain of the ambitious team and the ex - president of the ustc of the south china university of technology and brother chai yangyang , the software item engineer of the ambitious team and the core member of the ustc of the south china university of technology
    接着她隆重请出了今晚到场的嘉宾: “兵临城下”队队长兼华工微软俱乐部前任主席黄福鹏师兄, “兵临城下”队项目软件工程师兼微软俱乐部核心会员柴阳阳师兄。


  • 兵临城下的日语:〈成〉敵軍が城下に迫る.
  • 兵临城下的韩语:【성어】 적군이 성 밑까지 쳐들어오다. 사태가 위급하다.
  • 兵临城下的俄语:pinyin:bīnglínchéngxià (вражеские) войска (уже) у стен города (обр. в знач.: создалось крайне угрожающее положение)
  • 兵临城下什么意思:bīng lín chéng xià 【解释】敌军已来到自己的城墙下面。比喻情势十分危急。 【出处】元·无名氏《范书》第一折:“有一日兵临城下,将至濠边,四下里安环,八下里拽炮,人平了你宅舍,马践了你庭堂。” 【示例】若侯~,将至壕边,然后拒敌,事已迟矣。(《三国演义》第三十一回) 【拼音码】blcx 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、分句;形容形势十分危险紧要 【英文】city being...
兵临城下的英文翻译,兵临城下英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译兵临城下,兵临城下的英文意思,兵臨城下的英文兵临城下 meaning in English兵臨城下的英文兵临城下怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。