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  • advocatus dei
  • advocatusfidei
  • "基于"英文翻译    because of; in view of; on a ...
  • "调查"英文翻译    investigate; examine; inquir ...
  • "万分"英文翻译    very much; extremely
  • "仔细"英文翻译    careful; attentive
  • "花钱过分仔细" 英文翻译 :    excessive carefulness in the spending of money stinginess
  • "仔细搜索;调查,探讨" 英文翻译 :    research (l03)
  • "仔细调查, 彻底根究" 英文翻译 :    bolt all the flour
  • "万分" 英文翻译 :    very much; extremely 万分抱歉 be extremely sorry; 万分悲痛 be overtaken by heart-rending grief; 万分感动 be deeply touched; 万分感谢 thank you very much indeed; 万分高兴 be very happy; be highly pleased
  • "仔细" 英文翻译 :    1.(细心) careful; attentive 仔细听 listen attentively [carefully]; lend an attentive ear to; 观察得很仔细 observe very closely; 仔细研究 study carefully; 做事很仔细 be very careful in whatever one does2.(小心) be careful; look out; cautious 看照片的时候仔细点儿, 别弄脏了。 when you look at the photographs, please be careful and don't smudge them.3.[方言] (俭省) frugal; economical 她过日子很仔细。 she is frugal of her expenses
  • "查万杜卡" 英文翻译 :    chavanduka
  • "基于" 英文翻译 :    because of; in view of; on account of 基于上述理由 ... for the above-mentioned reasons ...; in view of above-mentioned reasons ...; 基于天气关系, 比赛延期进行。 the match was postponed on account of the weather. 基于目前这种情况, 我们不得不修改原来的计划。 in view of the present situation, we'll have to revise our original plan
  • "基于实证调查的词汇知识发展差异假说" 英文翻译 :    on the research of second language vocabulary acquisition and its development
  • "后置(万分)" 英文翻译 :    postf
  • "浸于调料" 英文翻译 :    sop
  • "失于调养" 英文翻译 :    inadequate care
  • "调查" 英文翻译 :    1.(为了解情况进行考察) investigate; examine; inquire into; look into; survey; (try to) learn the facts about; on (closer) investigation; make an investigation on [of; into]; hold an inquiry into sth.; make inquiries about sb. [sth.]; on inquiry; search into; carry out a research; make a survey of; see into; engaged in research into; make a researching inquiry 调查核实 verify through investigation; 调查市场需要 study market needs; 调查原因 investigate the cause; 他们决定彻底调查这件事。 they determined to inquire thoroughly into the matter. 这事我们马上就去调查。 we'll look into that right away.2.(为此所进行的考察) investigation; research; expedition; examen 民意[市场] 调查 public opinion [market] research; 农村调查 rural survey; 作社会调查 make a social investigation; 调查报告 survey; investigation [findings] report; 调查表 questionnaire; list for investigation; 调查船 research [survey] ship; 调查对象 respondents; 调查范围 field of investigation; 调查浮标 surveying buoy; 调查会 fact-finding meeting; 调查机关 investigatory apparatus; 调查结果 result; 调查人 investigator; inquirer; 调查提纲 outline for investigation; questionnaire; 调查团 fact-finding mission; 调查委员会 board [commission] of inquiry; investigation [fact-finding] committee; 调查研究 investigation and study; 调查员 investigator; 调查证据 investigation of evidence
  • "用于调用函数" 英文翻译 :    argument(object)
  • "仔细的" 英文翻译 :    attentive; careful; chary; close; elaborative; meticulous; thorough
  • "仔细地" 英文翻译 :    attentively; closely carefully thoroughly; completely carefully; specifically
  • "仔细看" 英文翻译 :    get a load of; panic; take a closer look at; take a good look at
  • "仔细考" 英文翻译 :    think over
  • "仔细听" 英文翻译 :    lend an attentive ear to; listen carefully; listen to - hear
  • "仔细想" 英文翻译 :    reflect on/upon
  • "百万分之……百万分之几" 英文翻译 :    parts per million
  • "百万分比" 英文翻译 :    part per million (ppm); part per million ( m); partpermillion( m)
基于调查万分仔细的英文翻译,基于调查万分仔细英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译基于调查万分仔细,基于调查万分仔细的英文意思,基于調查萬分仔細的英文基于调查万分仔细 meaning in English基于調查萬分仔細的英文基于调查万分仔细怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。