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  • manager


  • When a family member or a friend tells me to do something , i value his / her opinion
  • They say it can cause problems for families when they want to make summer plans
  • She replied , " no , it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry
  • Partners act in a similar way to the board of a company but the partners also make decisions as owners
  • In the past , the head of a big household was well respected as only the rich could afford a big family
  • At all times , sunlight insists on " human talent is the foundation of corporation " only innovation can put forward unceasing and fast development human
  • At the closed - door conference " masters " of guangdong province and foreign advisors gather together - jointly explore ways to realize modernization in guangdong province ( 2000 . 11 . 15 )
    广东省的“当家人”们和洋顾问围坐一桌? ?共同探索实现现代化途径
  • One day , not long after being discharged from the hospital , she was taking a bath with the help of family members , and strangely , they found that she was smiling and looking upward the whole time
  • Some people intend to donate their organs and fill in a donation card , but neglect to inform their families of their wishes . when unfortunate accidents occur , it s hard enough for older people to face the death of their children
  • About a year ago in ningxia province , china , the mother of a sister initiate passed away . and although the mother was neither an initiate nor a vegetarian , something amazing occurred when the family took her body to the funeral parlor to prepare it for burial
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 当家人的泰文
  • 当家人的法语:gestionnaire administrateur directeur directrice gérant
  • 当家人的韩语:[명사] 세대주. 집주인. =[当家的(1)]
  • 当家人的阿拉伯语:مُدِير; مُدِير إِدارِي;
  • 当家人的印尼文:pengarah; pengendali; pengurus;
  • 当家人什么意思:  1.  主持家政的人。    ▶ 《红楼梦》第五二回: “﹝你们﹞未免想着我只顾疼这些小孙子孙女儿们, 就不体贴你们这当家人了。”    ▶ 老舍 《四世同堂》三: “他是当家人, 不能在有了危险的时候, 长吁短叹的。”    ▶ 赵树理 《杨老太爷》: “你得摆出当家人架子来压服他。” &nb...
当家人的英文翻译,当家人英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译当家人,当家人的英文意思,當家人的英文当家人 meaning in English當家人的英文当家人怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。