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音标:[ wényì ]  发音:  


  • literature and art
    ◇文艺创作 literary and artistic creation; 文艺队伍 ranks of writers and artists; 文艺读物 literature; 文艺复兴 the renaissance; 文艺革命 literary revolution; 文艺工作 work in the literary and artistic field; 文艺工作者 literary and art workers; writers and artists; 文艺会演 theatrical festival; 文艺节目 program of entertainment; theatrical items; theatrical performance; 文艺界 literary and art circles; the world of literature and art; 文艺理论 theory of literature and art; 文艺理论家 writer of literary theory; 文艺批评 literary or art criticism; 文艺批评标准 criteria in art and literary criticism; 文艺批评家 literary or art critic; 文艺思潮 trend of thought in literature and art; 文艺思想 literary theory; 文艺团体 literature and art organization; theatre company; theatre troupe; 文艺学 the study of literature and its law of development; 文艺语言 language of belles-lettres; 文艺作品 literary and artistic works


  • This is a literary and artistic work loved by the masses .
  • Professor wang is going to open a course in modern literary thought .
  • Thus, a new york literary gathering lionizes a bluff sea captain under the mistaken impression that he is a famous british author .
  • Reflections on the current artistic creation situation
  • Electronic media and popular audio - visual entertainment
  • A brief comment on zhuang zi ' s artistic aesthetics thinking
  • Romanticism aesthetics and painting in france
  • Had to think , clap some campus romantic movies
  • Cantonese in research , education and creative writing
  • A probe of the literary ethnics of confucianism in china
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5


  • 文艺的泰文
  • 文艺的法语:名 la littérature et les arts~复兴la renaissance
  • 文艺的日语:(1)文芸.文学と芸術. 文艺界/文芸界. 文艺团体/文芸団体. 文艺书籍 shūjí /文芸書.文学?芸術書. (2)文学. 文艺作品/文芸作品. 文艺批评/文学評論. (3)演芸. 文艺会演/演芸コンクール. 游行队伍中的文艺大队/デモ行進中の演芸大隊. 文艺节目/演芸.演芸プログラム. 文艺晚会/演芸の夕べ. 『比較』文艺:文娱 wényú “文艺”は主に文学芸術や上演芸術,“文娱”は主に...
  • 文艺的韩语:[명사] 문예. 문학과 예술의 총칭. 文艺创作; 문예 창작 文艺工作; 문예 활동 文艺会演; 문예 축전 文艺界; 문예계 文艺理论; 문예 이론 文艺路线; 문예 노선 文艺思潮; 문예 사조 文艺作品; 문예 작품 文艺座谈会; 문예 좌담[토론]회
  • 文艺的俄语:[wényì] 1) литература и искусство 2) художественная литература
  • 文艺什么意思:wényì 文学和艺术的总称,有时特指文学或表演艺术:~团体│~作品│~会演。
文艺的英文翻译,文艺英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译文艺,文艺的英文意思,文藝的英文文艺 meaning in English文藝的英文文艺怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。