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  • things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.; a thing turns into its opposite if pushed too far.; once a certain limit is reached a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.; things always reverse themselves after reaching an extreme.; things go in the opposite direction when they become too extreme.; things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme.; things which have reached their extremes turn into their opposites.; when a thing reaches its limit it turns round


  • There are always two sides to a coin , which is the essence of dialectical thinking
  • Problem is , if heading into deflation , where even falling prices can be too much of a good thing
  • Too often the cost of being young is going from on extreme to the opposite , but the wisdom of our for - fathers tells us that : things will turn into the opposite when they reach the extreme
  • Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme . it ' s beautiful when it is extremely ugly ( it seems to bring out some dialectic ) . this dao is the typical one which takes strange as beautiful
    物极必反,丑到了及至也就是美了嘛(好象还搞出了一点辩证法来了) .这种刀就是典型的以怪为美
  • If the stimulation i . e . , the drug - taking course lasts too long , things will go to the opposite . b cells reaction will decline from excitement to paralysis . with declining functions , their release of insulin will become less and less
    而且刺激时间过长即服药时间过长,那么,物极必反,由兴奋到麻痹, b细胞生理功能益趋衰退,胰岛素分泌量越会减少。
  • Using zoology of community , the theory of ecosystem and the theory things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme " to make up with the limitation of the green design , and using fundamentally ecological theory to guide design , which aims to make replenishment equal to snatch , and this will make the ecological aim of green design come to reality
  • The abnormalities in the seasons and the weather , the rapid melting of the polar ice cap , the rising temperature of the oceans , the continuous expansion of the hole in the ozone layer , the acid rain given back to us by mother earth , sinking land masses and rising sea levels - what do all these reactions of the natural environment tell us that things turn for the worse when they reach the extreme seems not to be something which people take heed of
  • Adolescents , who are apt to rebel against authority , hate being ordered about . apparently , they may observe the bans imposed on them , but that is no victory for their superiors because resentment may be brewing deep in their hearts . the pent - up discontent may grow to form abnormal psychology in them , which will be even more harmful
  • On the one hand , you have kaneshiro and leung engaging in serious romance , and on the other hand , the two goons played by edmund chen and terri kuan just seem to come from another world doing all kind of crazy things . one major defect of this plot is the overdose of conincidence . the entire movie is built up from bits and bits of conincidences


  • 物极必反的泰文
  • 物极必反的法语:une chose poussée à l'extrême évolue nécessairement vers son contraire./après l'apogée,le déclin./l'excès appelle la révolte.
  • 物极必反的日语:〈成〉物事は極点に達すると必ず逆の方向へ転化する.
  • 物极必反的韩语:【성어】 사물의 발전이 극에 달하면 반드시 반전(反轉)한다.
  • 物极必反什么意思:wù jí bì fǎn 【解释】事物发展到极点,会向相反方向转化。 【出处】《吕氏春秋·博志》:“全则必缺,极则必反。”《鹖冠子·环流》:“物极则反,命曰环流。” 【示例】“物极必反”,错误成了堆,光明就会到来。(毛泽东《我们党的一些历史经验》) 【拼音码】wjbf 【灯谜面】东西南北 【用法】紧缩式;作谓语、定语、分句;含贬义 【英文】things will develop in t...
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