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  • confirmed habits are hard to get rid of.; bad old practices die hard.; do not readily break oneself of the habit; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight.; it is usually difficult to give up a habit.; old habits are difficult to drop.; old habits are difficult to get rid of.; problems accumulated over the years cannot be resolved overnight


  • The life here is more intense, more violent, more rutted than life anywhere else .
  • But although the system will not fall apart overnight , with the years , the rust will set in
  • And , most necessary of all , mr bush wants to make some progress towards tackling america ' s gathering health - care crisis
    同时,布什总统希望能够在这个亟待解决的问题? ?即积重难返的医疗问题上有所作为。
  • Traditional education steps down hard ; creative education forges with difficulty . the popular education abuses need the impact of the idea of activity
  • " all nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world ' s most persistent social problems .
    “所有国家应该伸出援助之手,来推动建立一所世界大学,从而使学生置身于解决世界上最积重难返的社会问题这一进程。 ”
  • These economies must implement necessary structural reforms to achieve higher growth rates - - to benefit their own citizens and to prevent the build - up of imbalances in the global economy
  • In china , under the influence of legal tradition and continental legal system , the evidence system pays more attention to substantive law rather than adjective law . in addition to the unscientific setting of the testimony standard , this evidence system influence the effect and quality of our country " s criminal trial
  • At present , the phenomena of lacking credit are very serious in our country . such behaviors are very popular : business swindle , selling fake commodities , breaching contract , being in debt among one another , enterprises have no the three necessities , enterprises that put their stock in market give false number on their property . the serious credit loss has become an important factor to decide whether the market can develop healthily or not
    而我国目前“信用缺失”的现象十分严重:商业欺诈屡见不鲜、假冒伪劣久治不愈、毁约违法司空见惯、 “三角债”积重难返、 “三无”企业屡禁不止、上市公司虚报瞒报登峰造极… …严重的信用缺失已成为我国市场经济能否进一步健康发展的瓶颈,尽快建立有效的信用体系是经济发展迫在眉睫的需要。
  • The measure of constructing roads at the expense of huge money temporarily relieve the too crowded section of highways , but it induces more cars , which in turn makes the traffic more crowded , even paralyzed . so the construction of the city is plunged into the strange circle of “ crowding ? construction ? relieving ? crowding again ” , which tampers with the sustainable development of the city
    作为缓解交通拥挤措施之一的耗巨资进行道路建设虽然暂时缓和了某些路段,却诱发了小汽车数量的再次增加,使交通更加拥挤甚至瘫痪,从而城市建设又陷入了“拥挤? ?建设? ?缓和? ?再拥挤”积重难返的怪圈,严重影响了城市的可持续发展。


  • 积重难返的泰文
  • 积重难返的法语:une habitude invétérée est difficile à corriger./il est difficile de se défaire d'une vieille habitude.
  • 积重难返的日语:〈成〉長年の習慣は急には改められない.長年の問題はすぐには解決できない.
  • 积重难返的韩语:【성어】 오래된 풍속이나 습관은 고치기 어렵다. 적폐(積弊)를 고치기 어렵다.
  • 积重难返的俄语:[jīzhòng nánfǎn] обр. закоренелые привычки трудно исправить; горбатого могила исправит
  • 积重难返什么意思:jī zhòng nán fǎn 【解释】经过长时间形成的思想作风或习惯,很难改变。 【出处】清·顾炎武《日知录》卷十:“此固积重难返之势,始于景定,迄于洪武,而征科之额十倍于绍熙以前者也。” 【示例】无如~,不惟地方上不见些起色,久而久之,连那些地方官,也就视为具文。(《儿女英雄传》第四十回) 【拼音码】jznf 【灯谜面】千里无归程 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、分句;含贬义
积重难返的英文翻译,积重难返英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译积重难返,积重难返的英文意思,積重難返的英文积重难返 meaning in English積重難返的英文积重难返怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。