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音标:[ kāngxiá ]  发音:  


  • [无脊椎] opossum shrimp; mysid; mysis stage


  • Standard guide for conducting life - cycle toxicity tests with saltwater mysids
  • In the tank , this cichlid can be fed small feeder fish ( live or frozen ) , mysis shrimp , krill , and worms
    水族箱内饲养的六间可以投喂小鱼(活鱼或者是冰冻) ,糠虾,鳞虾和面包虫。
  • Standard guide for conducting static and flow - through acute toxicity tests with mysids from the west coast of the united states
  • During the mysis substages there is a gradual transition from phytoplankton to zooplankton . feed on : diatoms , animalcule such as a . salina , oyster eggs and larvae as well as on rotifers and nematodes
  • Live feed such as the slender spirulina are floating organisms which can maintain good water quality and are also abundant in nutrients , proteins , natural vitamins , minerals and carotenoid . they are suitable food for the shrimp larvae from the zoea through to the mysis stage of development
  • After molting three times , the zoea enter the mysis stage during which they begin to look more like adult shrimp and swim in a characteristic fashion with head and tail pointed downwards at right angles and occasionally performing a sudden retrograde jumping action . this is known as the inversion state , the fry being suspended upside - down in the upper middle region of the pond water . this is , therefore , also called the " inverted suspension phase "
    眼幼虫脱第三次即进入糠虾期幼虫期mysis stage ,此期之体形已略成虾之状态,且具特有之游泳姿态,即头部及尾部均向下,成一直角弯曲而时作向后跳跃游动,又因成倒立状态,悬浮于水中的中上层,又叫倒吊期,此期幼虫对外界的环境因素,如水温盐分等变化,比前两期来得更具适应力,主要饵料为丰年虾brine shrimp的幼虫,但其他大小略同的动物性浮游生物,如桡脚类copepoda轮虫类rotifera均可。
  • The main feed at this time consists of brine shrimp larvae , oyster eggs and diatoms spiruline , skeletonema costatum . however other zooplankton such as copepoda and rotifera can also be used . during the mysis stage the bodies of the fry become larger and so are able to ingest the nauplii of the brine shrimp along with spirulina and


  • 糠虾的韩语:[명사]〈해양생물〉 보리새우. =[酱jiàng虾]
  • 糠虾的俄语:pinyin:kāngxiá зоол. Mysis opossum (рачок рода Mysis, отряда расщепленогих)
糠虾的英文翻译,糠虾英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译糠虾,糠虾的英文意思,糠蝦的英文糠虾 meaning in English糠蝦的英文糠虾怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。