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  • Ⅰ动词
    (忌讳) avoid as taboo
    1.(忌讳的事情) forbidden word; taboo
    2.(旧时指死去的帝王或尊长的名字) the name, regarded as taboo, of a deceased emperor or head of a family


  • The type and reason of the hakka dialect ' taboo
  • Alternating impact bending test
  • Taboo in languages is very popular as a psychological phenomenon in the world
  • To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth
  • Impact bending test
  • However , though the names may differ , there is one settled principle to follow , that is , showing enough respects to those respected events
  • The young girl then continued , speaking slowly , like a person who is either inventing or suppressing some feature of the history which he is relating
  • " tom , if it ain t unregular and irreligious to sejest it , " i says , " there s an old rusty saw - blade around yonder sticking under the weather - boarding behind the smoke - house .
    “汤姆,也许我这么说有点儿不合规矩,犯忌, ”我说。 “在那个熏肉房后边防雨板下面,有一根长了锈的锯条哩。 ”
  • The outspoken lavigne , who in past interviews has detailed a fondness for wine and hard liquor , admitted having her mom and grandma on the tour could cramp her rock - star lifestyle
  • We should take the initiative to explain clearly to them that because our customs and habits are different from theirs , we are likely to create misunderstandings and violate taboos , offending them without our realizing it
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 讳的泰文
  • 讳的法语:动 s'abstenir par crainte ou respect;éviter de;taire;dissimuler~莫如深garder un profond silence sur qch;jeter un voile sur qch;ne pas souffler mot sur qch;tenir soigneusement caché;garder le secret sur un...
  • 讳的日语:*讳huì (1)忌む.はばかる. 隐 yǐn 讳/はばかって隠す. 忌 jì 讳/忌み嫌う. 直言无讳/遠慮なくずばりと言ってのける. (2)忌諱[きい].タブー. 回教徒吃猪肉可是犯讳的/イスラム教徒が豚肉を食べることはタブーとされている. (3)忌み名.実名.本名. 『参考』かつての中国では,自分と同等または目上の人の実名(=讳)をそのまま書いたり口にしたりするのは失礼なこととされ,そのため...
  • 讳的韩语:(1)[동사] 꺼리다. (거리끼는 바가 있어) 감히 말하지 않다. 꺼리어 피하다. 기휘하다. 감추다. 隐讳; 꺼리어 숨기고 피하다[말하지 않다] 直言不讳; 거리낌 없이 직언하다 (2)[명사] 기휘. 금기의 일 또는 말. 犯了他的讳了; 그가 꺼려하는 말을 해 버렸다 (3)[명사] 휘. 옛날, 제왕 또는 윗사람의 이름. 名讳; 휘 (4)[동사] 휘...
  • 讳的俄语:[huì] книжн.; = 諱 1) утаивать; скрывать 直言不讳 [zhíyán bùhuì] — говорить без обиняков; выкладывать всё начистоту 2) табу 犯讳 [fànhuì] — нарушить табу (запрет) • - 讳言
  • 讳什么意思:(諱) huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ 1)避忌,有顾忌不敢说或不愿说:~言。~匿。~饰。忌~。隐~。直言不~。~疾忌医。 2)古时称死去的皇帝或尊长的名字:名~。 ·参考词汇: avoid as taboo 无庸讳言 无所忌讳 临文不讳 讳言 不讳之门 讳忌 不讳之路 讳树数马 忌讳 范讳 隐讳 入门问讳 不讳之朝 讳恶不悛 转喉触讳 直言无讳 讳疾忌医 避讳 直言不讳 犯讳 不讳 直讠忍不讳 讳...
讳的英文翻译,讳英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译讳,讳的英文意思,諱的英文讳 meaning in English諱的英文讳怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。