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  • axle control
  • b-axis control
  • "轴"英文翻译    axle; shaft
  • "控制"英文翻译    control; dominate; regulate; ...
  • "单轴控制" 英文翻译 :    single axis control; single-axis control
  • "前轴控制杆" 英文翻译 :    front axle control lever; front axle control rod
  • "三轴控制" 英文翻译 :    three-axis control
  • "同轴控制" 英文翻译 :    gang control; ganged control
  • "自旋轴控制" 英文翻译 :    spin axis controls
  • "三轴控制系统" 英文翻译 :    three-axis control system
  • "同轴控制螺旋" 英文翻译 :    co-axial control knob; co-azial control knob
  • "凸轮轴控制器" 英文翻译 :    camshaft controller
  • "组合多轴控制" 英文翻译 :    combined multi-axle control
  • "【机械工程】共轴控制。" 英文翻译 :    gang control
  • "同轴控测器" 英文翻译 :    coaxial detector
  • "控制" 英文翻译 :    control; dominate; regulate; govern; manage; check; cybernate; manipulate; encraty; rule; rein; curb; command; hold in leash; pull oneself together; have control over; under sb.'s thumb; be in control (of); be brought under control; under the control of; get command of; have command over; lead sb. by the nose 控制地面沉降 bring surface subsidence under control; 控制固定资产投资 curb investment in fixed assets; 控制基本建设规模 control over the scope of capital construction; 控制体重和体形 control the weight and shape of the human body; 控制投资规模 limit the investment scope; 我勃然大怒, 简直控制不住自己。 i had a fit of rage--i could hardly control myself. 他们有控制这个小国的野心。 they had the ambition to dominate this small country. 她再也控制不住自己的感情, 便痛哭了一场。 she could no longer hold her emotions in leash and she had a good cry. 别孩子气了, 把感情控制一下吧! stop acting like a baby! pull yourself together!; 控制板 [自动化] control panel; plugboard; wiring board; operating panel; operator's panel; pendant control; 控制爆破 controlled blasting; 控制臂 control arm; 控制变量 command; control variable; manipulated variable; 控制标识符 control identifier; 控制波 control wave; 控制部分 control section; control portion; 控制部件 control assembly; function unit; [自动化] control module; control unit; 控制操作 control operation; control function; 控制测量 control survey; 控制场 controlling field; 控制处理机 control processor; 控制传动 [核子] control drive; 控制磁场 controlling magnetic field; 控制磁铁 controlling magnet; 控制词典 [计算机] control dictionary; 控制打字机 control typewriter; 控制带 control tape; 控制代码 [自动化] control routine; 控制电池 controlling battery; 控制电动机 control motor; 控制电话中继站 control telephone repeater station; 控制电极 control electrode; 控制电缆 control cable; 控制电流 control current; controlling current; 控制电路 control circuit; steering circuit; controlling circuit; pilot circuit; 控制电平 control level; 控制电器 control apparatus; 控制电容 control capacitance; 控制电刷 control brush; 控制电子学 control electronics; 控制电阻 controlling resistance; 控制定律 control law; 控制定时器 control timer; 控制段 [自动化] control section; control segment; 控制对象 controlled member; 控制发动机 control engine; 控制范围 control range; control area; 控制方法 controlling means; control method; 控制方式 control mode; 控制分析 control analysis; 控制符 command character; control character; operational character; instruction character; functional character;控制符号[自动化] control symbol; control character; 控制工程 control engineering; 控制功能 control function; 控制股权 controlling interest; 控制观测 control observation; 控制过程 control procedure; 控制花期 blooming control; 控制环 adjustable ring; control loop; 控制缓冲器 controller buffer; 控制活塞 control piston; operating piston; 控制基因 controlling gene; 控制机 controlling machine; cybertron; 控制机构 control organ; controlet; controlling gear; controls operating; controls; control mechanism; controlling means; 控制极限 control limit; 控制级别 control hierarchy; 控制技术 control technique; 控制计数器 control counter; 控制计算机 control computer; 控制键 control key; 控制交配 hand breeding; control mating; 控制脚注 control footing; 控制界限 control limit; 控制开关 gauge tap; pilot [control] switch; 控制空气阀 control air valve; 控制空域 [航空] controlled air space; 控制理论 control theory; 控制力学 control mechanics; 控制联测 conjunction of control survey; 控制联想 [心理学] controlled association; 控制链 control chain; 控制量 controlled quantity; controlled variable; 控制码 control code; 控制能力 control ability; 控制盘 console panel; control disc; control panel; electrical control unit; panel board; switch panel; 控制偏差 control deviation; 控制片 [摄影学] control strip; 控制屏 control flow; control panel; 控制区 [航空] air-traffic control zone; control area; control zone; 控制区域 control area; control space; 控制渠道 waterwork; 控制扫描 gated sweep; 控制设备 control appliance; control equipment; control system; controlling device; controlling equipment; maneuvering apparatus; 控制生产 [采矿工程] control production; 控制实验 approval test; 控制室[讯] control room; console cabinet; control compartment; control house; control booth; pulpit; 控制手柄 control handle; joy-stick; pilot lever; 控制手段 control; 控制输入 command; control input; 控制数据 control data; 控制数学 mathematics of control; 控制刷 pilot brush; 控制水土流失 conservation of soil and water; 控制顺序 control sequence; 控制算法 control algolithm; 控制索 control cord; controlling rope; 控制踏板 control pedal; shift pedal; trip pedal; 控制弹簧 control spring; controlling spring; 控制特性 control characteristic; 控制体系 hierarchy of control; 控制天线 control antenna; 控制通货膨胀 curbing inflation; 控制图 [工业管理] control chart; control sheet; 控制纬度 control latitude; 控制稳定性 control stability; 控制问题 control problem; 控制误差 departure; control error; 控制系数 control coefficient; control ratio; 控制下限 lower control limit; 控制显示器 console display; 控制限度 [工业管理] control limit; 控制线 control line; control wire; pilot wire; guide line; 控制线路 control circuit; 控制线圈 control coil; 控制箱 control casing; control box; 控制效率 control efficiency; efficiency of control; 控制效应 control effect; 控制协议 control protocol; 控制旋钮 control handle; control knob; 控制旋塞 control cock; regulator tap; 控制仪表 control instrument; monitoring instrument; operating instrument; check meter; 控制仪器 switchyard; 控制因素 governing factor; 控制应力 proof stress; 控制语句 control statement; 控制语言 control language; 控制元件 [控] control element; control component; pilot cell; gating element; 控制载荷 control load; 控制站 control station; 控制者 effector; 控制职能 controlling function; 控制值 controlling value; 控制中心 control centre; 控制装置 control device; control gear; control set-up; monitor; control apparatus; control system; control equipment; 控制状态 control behaviour; control state; 控制准确度 control accuracy; 控制准则 control criterion; 控制组 control group; 控制最佳程序 control optimization program; 控制作用 control action; control function; control response
  • "副控制, 子控制" 英文翻译 :    subcontrol
  • "负控制,反控制" 英文翻译 :    negative controlling
  • "控制板,控制盘" 英文翻译 :    board of control
  • "控制柜, 控制箱" 英文翻译 :    control cabinet
  • "控制号 控制数" 英文翻译 :    controlnumber
  • "控制权;控制;管制" 英文翻译 :    control
  • "控制室控制" 英文翻译 :    room control
  • "控制台, 控制板" 英文翻译 :    control pulse; control rack
  • "控制箱,控制盘" 英文翻译 :    control cabinet,control panel
  • "控制站,控制室" 英文翻译 :    control station
  • "控制桌, 控制台" 英文翻译 :    console desk


  • Combined multi - axle control
  • A new tracking algorism for single detector compound axis was presented and realized based on realtime trajectory correcting
  • Finally , a strict operational experiment of axis control was carried out by implementing the user mode application and the result of the test was obtained
  • It also describes how to utilize the real - time and multi - task characteristics of windows nt to ensure the axis control ? real - time response capability during the implementation
  • The principle of realtime trajectory correcting single detector compound axis control in photoelectric tracking system was introduced through comparison between this method and common single detector compound axis control track method
  • We have finished the semi - phsical simulation on the single axis turfing platform , which included on board prototype computer , optic fiber gyro and reocaon wheel which saturation chamaeristic has been taken into account
  • The blueprint of a windows nt based axis control system was presented . the strategy of axis control was designed based on windows nt architecture and the runtime model was built . the solution to some key technical problems was also discussed
  • Using 5638 servo control card as example , this article illustrates the strategy of the key technical problems of axis control based on windows nt . furthermore , the device driver and basic driver library of 5638 card were designed and implemented
  • Disigning coolant channel on the firebox of liquid rocket engine to loxodrome ( equal - angle helix ) groove can improve firebox coolant capability greatly . because the width dimension of loxodrome groove is narrow and the depth is deep , some machining methods are incapable , such as end - milling or electrochemistry . according to the peculiarities , a cnc disk - cutter - milling method which is composed of five motion axes with four simultaneously interpolated ones is researched . because most firebox generatrix is composed of complex curves , it is very difficult to get cnc cutting program with manual means . in order to deal with the problem , the loxodrome mathematics model is studied , and an auto - programming software system is developed . the software system can generate cnc cutting program of loxodrome on many kinds of turned surface . the constriction - distension segment of firebox is the most representative workpiece . the sharp changing of its generatrix slope makes loxodrome milling difficult . with the theory analyzing and practice cutting experiment , some applied techniques , which include milling mode and direction , choosing cutter diameter and cutting start point setting , are developed . adopting the technology above , tens regular workpiece have been manufacturing . the two - year manufacture practice has confirmed the validity and feasibility of developed loxodrome coolant channel milling method . the developed technology is also worth to be referenced to other similar workpiece
  • The design of the medicine fetching system with sound structure and advanced technology is the key to meeting the requirement . in the part of hardware design , the method of composing position - servo controller using gt400sg is presented . in the part of software design , the whole structure of the control software on the platform of windows nt is studied
    考虑到对取药机械手多个运动轴控制上的协调与可靠,提出了基于多轴运动控制器的取药控制系统方案,给出了运用gt400sg运动控制器构成位置伺服控制器的硬件方法;在控制软件设计部分,研究了在windowsnt操作系统下的控制软件的总体结构,选用visualc + +作为软件开发平台。
轴控制的英文翻译,轴控制英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译轴控制,轴控制的英文意思,軸控制的英文轴控制 meaning in English軸控制的英文轴控制怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。